Dr Krzysztof Czub from the Department of Civil Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration was elected as a member of the Board of the Council of Higher Education Patent Attorneys member. The attorney from UG will popularise the subject of intellectual property protection and support initiatives aimed at giving due prominence to intellectual property issues at universities.
Patent attorneys are responsible for technical and legal assistance in the field of industrial property law and combating unfair competition. In the case of universities, such support is needed, among other things, for registering inventions and other innovations that arise from scientific activities.
The RRPSW was established in May 2001 and brings together, on a voluntary basis, patent attorneys working at universities. The Council has been pursuing its objectives for over 20 years by organising symposia, seminars, conferences, lectures, discussion meetings and specialist trips, as well as by carrying out publishing activities.
Dr Krzysztof Czub is a partner at Czub & Czub Law Firm and works at the Department of Civil Law, the Faculty of Law and Administration UG. In 2022, he was awarded the Bronze Cross of Merit for his public activity in the area of intellectual property protection.