The third edition of the MEiN (formerly the Ministry of Science and Higher Education) Masters of Didactics - Masters of Didactics Advanced Programme, implemented in cooperation with the University of Groningen and University College London, has come to an end. A total of 17 people from the University of Gdańsk entered the programme, and 16 research and teaching staff received certificates of completion.
The project lasted almost two years and included four training conventions and dozens of hours of discussions, workshops and meetings, which resulted in the crystallisation of new goals and areas for initiating and implementing change in many Polish universities, as well as friendships being born.
Many universities participated in the MofD programme, but the Advanced Programme pathways - Train the Trainers/Educational Leadership and Advanced Teaching Qualifications - brought together just a few dozen people from across Poland. These educational leaders are not afraid to pave the way for new institutional, educational and structural solutions around teaching in universities and academies. To complete the advanced programme, one had to have participated in both preceding editions of the MofD project.
Educational Leadership certificates (in conjunction with Train the Trainers) were awarded to six research and teaching staff from four faculties:
- Faculty of Oceanography and Geography: dr Ewa Szymczak, prof. UG and dr Mirosława Malinowska
- Faculty of Philology: dr Beata Karpińska-Musiał
- Faculty of Social Sciences: dr hab. Robert Opora, prof. UG and dr hab. Justyna Siemionow, prof. UG
- Faculty of Law and Administration: dr hab. Małgorzata Balwicka-Szczyrba, prof. UG
Advanced Qualifications in Teaching certificates were awarded to ten male and female academics from seven faculties at the University of Gdańsk:
- Faculty of Oceanography and Geography: dr hab. Urszula Janas, prof. UG and dr hab. Anita Lewandowska, prof. UG
- Faculty of Philology: dr Jadwiga Bodzińska-Bobkowska and dr Joanna Redzimska
- Faculty of Social Sciences: dr Dorota Godlewska-Werner
- Faculty of Law and Administration: dr Marcin Michalak and dr Maja Maciejewska-Szałas
- Faculty of Chemistry: dr inż. Joanna Jeżewska-Frąckowiak
- Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and MUG: dr Katarzyna Węgrzyn
- Faculty of Economics: dr Magdalena Markiewicz

The overwhelming majority of the programme's graduates from UG are certified and practising tutors and academic mentors who cooperate with the UG Centre for Didactic Improvement and Tutoring in the area of teacher training. Together, they form an active group of male and female trainers, dedicated to professional teaching and ready to develop the quality of education at our university.
Programme description on the University of Groningen website.