The University of Gdańsk has once again been ranked among the world's best and is the leader among Polish universities in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, a ranking that assesses universities from around the world in terms of their commitment to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
On June 12, 2024, the results of the sixth edition of the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, a ranking assessing universities from around the world on their commitment to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, were published. It is now one of the most prestigious, comprehensive and growing rankings, with an area of focus covering all aspects of university activity. The University of Gdańsk has risen to the top of the ranking and consolidated its leadership position in Poland. We are among the 20% of the world's universities most committed to the goals pursued by the developing world.
The data presented in THE Impact ranking is a full spectrum of organisational, research and educational activities of the university, which is submitted to the organiser after a thorough analysis of all the university's activities, both in the context of the conducted research, education and activities in terms of cooperation with the socio-economic environment or the university's actions as an employer.
A look at UG's performance from a global perspective
In the THE Impact 2024 ranking, the University of Gdańsk continues to rise in the overall ranking - this time from the 401-600 range to the 301-400 group, out of almost 2,000 listed institutions from around the world. In doing so, we have entered the top 20% of the leading universities that are the best in facing the difficult challenges posed to humanity by the modern world. The score has been improved from 71.3 in 2023 to 79.2 in 2024, out of a possible 100 points. This is another year where we are climbing up on this extremely tight ladder. Two years ago, we were ranked in the 601-800 range. And the competition is getting tougher - the number of universities listed has increased from around 1,400 to almost 2,000 in two years.
UG maintains its position as a global leader on Goal 5 Gender Equality, ranking 16th out of 1,361 institutions that have tackled the challenge.
We rank 101-200 in goals: 17. Partnering for the Goals (a spectacular rise from the 301-400 range in 2023 and 601-800 in 2022) and 14. Life Under Water.
We are listed in the 201-300 range for Goals 10 Less Inequality and 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. In the 301-400 range, UG is ranked in the objectives: 6. Clean water and sanitation, 12. Responsible consumption and production (reported for the first time), 8. Economic growth and decent work, and 16. peace, justice and strong institutions. Our university improved its scores in the objectives: 3. good health and quality of life (601-800, up from 801-1000) and 11. sustainable cities and communities (201-300, up from 301-400).
16th position in the world and the highest position in Poland in terms of the achievement of Goal 5. Gender equality - these achievements were gained by the University of Gdańsk thanks to the actions taken to promote the presence of women in science and in the broader life of the university. The situation of women at our university has received a great deal of attention for several years. The development and implementation of a coherent gender equality monitoring system (gender equality plan) is one of the main goals of the University of Gdańsk's Social Responsibility Committee.
The Commission's work has resulted in the 2020 report 'Women in Science. Managing diversity and gender equality in the social responsibility of the University of Gdańsk'. The report identified needs and outlined objectives, which are described in detail in the "Gender Equality Policy Implementation Plan at the University of Gdańsk", published at the end of 2021, presenting equality measures planned for 2022-2023. Anti-discrimination, including on the basis of gender, is dealt with by the Office of the Equal Treatment and Anti-Harassment Ombudsman. The University of Gdańsk has research projects such as MINDtheGEPs - Modifying INstitution by Developing Gender Equality Plans, EU Horizon 2020 (2021-2024), which conduct research and produce reports on the equal treatment of women and men at our university. We scored 88.8 out of 100 possible points in the SDG5 research component of this criterion. The Fahrenheit University Women's Club is thriving, promoting the role of women in science at regular meetings and integrating the female scientific community of Gdańsk's three largest universities. It is impossible to overlook the importance of the high and ever-increasing proportion of women in top positions in the management of our university - women have a strong representation in the university's governing bodies. All initiatives undertaken systematically strengthen the position of women not only at the University of Gdańsk, but also in partner institutions and in society.
The impressive advancement of the UG under Goal 17. Partnership for Goals also requires a separate comment. This is the only issue that is obligatorily reported by all institutions seeking the privilege of listing in this ranking - 2031 universities in 2024. The promotion in the assessment within this issue over the last two years from a range of 601-800 in 2022 to a position of 101-200 in the current edition, confirms the growing commitment of our university and the courageous taking of the role of initiator and leader in numerous activities aimed at sustainable development, both regionally, nationally and in Europe.
‘To build a sustainable world, we are in active and mutually inspiring dialogue with our city, regional and national authorities, and in Europe we are cooperating and creating strong strategic partnerships such as the SEA EU Alliance. We continue to develop and strengthen our cooperation with our wider stakeholders,’ emphasises the Rector, prof. Piotr Stepnowski. ‘As you can see, every action we take matters and is perceived positively, not only by ranking institutions. Besides, it is not for the sake of rankings that we undertake these activities, but for ourselves, our entire academic community and the citizens of Pomerania.’
As part of the SEA-EU alliance, the University of Gdańsk is a leader in the GOES GREENER programme, which aims to strengthen networking in the green transformation of coastal universities. It was these activities, among others, that allowed us to obtain the maximum number of 100 points for the criterion Relationship to support the goals, which is one of the four components of the overall assessment under objective 17. Almost maximum scores (96.1 and 88.9 out of 100 possible points) were obtained by our university in two other criteria: Publication of SDG reports and Education for the SDGs. The educational offer presented by the UG Centre for Sustainable Development in the form of postgraduate studies (Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change - Fahrenheit University postgraduate studies, and Education for Sustainable Development: offshore wind energy) was appreciated here.
University of Gdańsk's leading position among national universities
Out of the 15 issues we tackled, in 6 cases we were rated highest among Polish universities (in objectives: 1. Ending poverty, 5. Gender equality and 14 Living underwater - individually, in goals 7. Clean and accessible energy, 10. Less inequality and 17. Partnership for goals - ex aequo with other universities), in 5 cases we were ranked second in Poland (goals: 4. Good quality education, 11. Sustainable cities and communities - individually, and 12. Responsible consumption and production, 13. Climate action and 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions - ex aequo), and in 2 objectives we ranked 3rd among national universities (objectives: 6. Clean water and sanitation and 8. Economic growth and decent work - individually). To sum up - out of 15 evaluated parameters, in 13 cases we stand on the national podium - sometimes alone, sometimes in company. It is worth noting here that universities ranked ex aequo, in one range, are presented in the ranking in alphabetical order. The order in which the universities are presented in a given bracket is not a detailed classification - they are ranked equally.
The University of Gdańsk is the only Polish university to report for the 15 of the 17 Goals of the Agenda for Sustainable Development. The condition for listing in THE Impact ranking is to produce a report for a minimum of 4 goals, of which goal 17, Partnership for the Goals, is obligatory. Such a comprehensive, exhaustive report, which was prepared by our university, is a testimony to a mature, conscious and highly competent view of all activities and actions, in the context of the widely understood aspects of sustainable development.
‘The results of the ranking for another year in a row confirm that the University of Gdańsk is not only a university perfectly capable of responding to the challenges of civilisation, both in the global context, by taking care of the natural environment, the climate, the water ecosystem, as well as in the local context, by engaging in the sustainable development of the region, through numerous so-called 'equality actions', promoting the presence of women in science and the life of the university, caring for the well-being of every individual making up our university community’ emphasises the Rector. ‘With its actions, the University of Gdańsk is building a brand, both in the country, in the local community as part of the Fahrenheit University, and in Europe as part of the SEA-EU alliance, but also globally, winning 16th place in the implementation of Goal 5 Gender Equality, a brand of a university not only implementing and promoting the ideas of sustainable development, but giving direction and setting trends in building a better world for all - a friendly, open, sustainable world. We are happy to have been recognised. We are not slowing down. We are working on!’
The results for the University of Gdańsk in terms of the implementation of individual goals, together with a summary of the results of Polish universities in THE Impact Ranking 2024, are presented in the attached table.
The results of THE Impact 2024 are available at the link: