‘Active Uni 2024’ - Report on the holiday course for children of employees

Dzieci pracownków UG na tle napisu I love UG

photo by CWFiS

The participants of the holiday course called ‘Active Uni 2024’ went on a journey around the world. The classes for employees' children - as every year - were very popular.

‘This is yet another edition of sports and recreational activities in the form of a half-term holiday course that we, as the Centre for Physical Education and Sport at UG, offer for children. We are very happy that this year we were also able to lighten the load of our University employees a little, not only by providing their children with care and a package of activities, but also by educating them a little,’ reports the Deputy Director of CWFiS UG for Sports, mgr Tomasz Aftański.

This year, the organisers decided to run two periods, during which the participants moved to a different place on earth every day. During the activities, they learned many interesting facts about the country in question. So it was not only active and fun but also educational.

‘During our trip, we visited the USA, India, China, Spain, and France. Each day we tried to choose activities in such a way as to relate to the beauty of the respective region. We also learnt some new words. Who knows, maybe they will come in handy during real expeditions,' smiles mgr Małgorzata Aftańska, organiser and instructor of the courses.

‘We are delighted that parents have once again placed their trust in us and entrusted us with their greatest treasures. It is also convenient for them, as they can bring their children in the morning on the way to work and pick them up afterwards without any remorse. With us, the children are not bored and are well looked after. We appreciate the voices of satisfaction and declarations of participation next year. The return of the participants is the best evaluation for us,’ notes the head organiser of the half-school. ‘I can assure you that there are already more ideas for the new year,’ she adds.

Photos: own materials of CWFiS UG.

CWFiS; edit. KŻW/Press Team