Polish Pair Championship in Lord of the Rings

Rozgrywka - gra bitewna

Last weekend, the Polish Steam Championship in Middle-earth: Strategy Battle Game, organised by Tricity Battles in Middle-earth, the University of Gdańsk Library and the UGranie Scientific Circle, took place. Nearly a hundred participants and organisers spent the weekend on the first floor of the University of Gdansk Library, passionately observing the legendary duel between the forces of good and evil taken straight out of J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium.

Middle-earth: SBG is a battle game (sometimes called a strategy game or wargame) in which players take on the role of generals and lead armies of hand-painted figurines against the other player's models. Each figurine has its own statistics, which, combined with a dice roll, determine whether the model has succeeded in a particular action. Games such as MESB are most often played on mats or suitably adapted boards, arranged to resemble natural terrain to add variety to the game. Elements in the form of buildings, flora or geographical objects (such as hills, rivers or roads) are placed on the boards, which are often made with equal or even greater care than the figures themselves.

Battle games, such as MESB, Warhammer 40 000 or Napoleonic Black Powder, are a highly rewarding form of entertainment for those wanting to experience commanding armies of soldiers on battlefields - from historical to fantasy - in the safety of their own home... or the carpet of the library (as in the case of our tournament).

Thirty-seven pairs participated in this year's championship. Each competitor played six duels, and victory was decided by the joint points of the players in the pair. Among the competitors were all sorts of factions from the various lands of Middle-earth: there were the Orcs from Isengard, the Uruks from Mordor, the Esterlings on their Mumakils, the Dwarves from the Lonely Mountain, the Elves from the forests of the whole of Middle-earth, the Men from Gondor and Rohan, the Hobbits, the Balrogs, and many, many more.

In addition, during a break during the first day of the Championships, a ‘Golden Fish’ painting competition was held for the most beautifully painted models. Among the competition categories were: Most Beautiful Good Army, Most Beautiful Evil Army and Most Beautiful Model.

As co-organisers, we would like to thank everyone for coming in such large numbers to this wonderful event and congratulate all participants and winners. We would also like to thank our co-organisers for their fruitful cooperation in the championship. We hope to meet again next year (who knows - maybe in even greater numbers?). In the meantime, the Board of the ‘UGranie’ Circle wishes you a peaceful and long holiday.

Rafał Mojko/„UGranie” Scientific Circle; edit. Press Team