University of Gdańsk begins the 2024/2025 academic year

Inauguracja roku akademickiego UG 2024/2025

photo by Alan Stocki

Not only science, but also the university's broadly understood mission related to the shaping of values serving the good of mankind, freedom and democracy became an important motif of the ceremonial Inauguration of the Academic Year 2024/2025 at the University of Gdańsk. An important part of the ceremony, which took place on 1 October this year in the UG Library building, was the conferment of an honorary doctorate to Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland.

I would like to open the ceremonial meeting of the Senate of the University of Gdańsk on the occasion of the inauguration of the academic year 2024/2025 - began the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski before he welcomed the numerous guests gathered. In his summary of the achievements of the last academic year, the Rector of the University of Gdańsk drew attention to the high position of the University of Gdańsk in national and international rankings, such as the ‘Perspektywy’ Foundation's Ranking of Higher Education Institutions and the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, which take into account, among other things, the implementation of sustainable development goals. He emphasised the role of internationalisation in the university's development strategy: ‘Without internationalisation understood in every possible aspect - joint education, joint research, academic exchange, joint faculties, international alliances binding the idea together - there are no modern, thoroughly European academic communities, no universities, no modern higher education institutions.’

As an example of effective international activities, prof. Piotr Stepnowski cited the SEA-EU alliance of European universities, in which the University of Gdańsk has played a significant role for six years.

The UG's Rector also presented the new challenges of the university in the context of the changing external conditions and educational expectations, as well as the successes of the UG academic staff in the scientific field. ‘Public universities play an extremely important role at the interface of education, research and innovation serving society. All these elements are linked by scientific excellence - conducting research at the highest level.’

Prof. Piotr Stepnowski also mentioned UG's cooperation with the economic environment (exemplified by the FarU economic convention held in September), as well as social and cultural projects carried out at UG. A prelude to the university's 55th anniversary celebrations in 2025 is to be the opening (on 11 October) of the University of Gdańsk Museum.

According to prof. Piotr Stepnowski, the university and its development depends first and foremost on people: the academic community and the outstanding individuals who are part of it - such as the special guest at the inauguration, Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, honorary doctor of the University of Gdańsk.

‘I believe that in today's world, where it is becoming increasingly difficult to find authorities of the stature of Prime Minister Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, today's ceremony clearly shows young people that the university not only educates academically, but also shapes attitudes, opens horizons and shows paths on which young people often enter more boldly and with greater impetus, sometimes changing the course of the history of the country, and even of the world,’ said the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, addressing the students. ‘By keeping an open mind, you are opening wide the doors to the future. I wish you to make the most of it and develop your skills and fulfil your dreams. I am glad that you can do that right here at our University, now your University too. As every year, we enter the new academic year full of hope, new strength and ideas. And so be it, for our sake, happiness and every good fortune - Quod bonum, felix, faustum fortunatumque sit!’

In the next part of the ceremony, a congratulatory letter from the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, was read out, in which the President pointed out that the mission of the university, i.e. acting for the good of man, should also be understood as acting for the good of the state. This was followed by a speech by the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Maciej Gdula.

Mr Prime Minister, congratulations,’ he addressed Prime Minister Jan Krzysztof Bielecki. ‘I know how difficult it is to gain recognition from the academic community in the place where you have been educated.’

Among the tasks currently facing higher education, Undersecretary of State Maciej Gdula mentioned caring for the quality of didactics - and for the popularisation of knowledge, crucial in the context of convincing society that it is worth investing in science. He also stressed the importance of maintaining democratic values at universities. ‘A university must be a place of freedom,’ he stated.

Freedom and values were also an important message in the speech of the Mayor of Gdańsk, Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, who cited the example of the brutally suppressed student protests in China at the Square of Heavenly Peace. ‘We need elites, specialists in their fields, but at the same time ethical and righteous people, modern patriots, citizens who care about the common good,’ said the Mayor, smiling at Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, the first Prime Minister from Gdańsk. ‘Thank you, Mr Prime Minister, for your contribution to Polish freedom.’ She completed her wishes to students and the entire academic community with the words: ‘May heavenly peace prevail wherever it is needed.’

Piotr Patalas, a representative of the Students' Self-Government, gave the students important organisational information and assured them of the Self-Government's support in all matters. He also spoke about the opportunities available to students at the University of Gdańsk.

His speech was followed by the solemn oath of the first-year students who obtained the highest results in the recruitment process at the various Faculties of UG. The oath was administered by the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, dr hab. Urszula Patocka-Sigłowy, prof. UG.

The ceremony of awarding the title of doctor honoris causa of the University of Gdańsk to Jan Krzysztof Bielecki

Today marks exactly 56 years since 1 October 1968, the moment when Jan Krzysztof Bielecki and I became students at the Higher School of Economics in Sopot, which only later became a constituent part of the University of Gdańsk’ said prof. Dariusz Filar, who delivered the laudation. ‘I could dive into the times when Krzysztof referred to himself as a liberal “by nature”, i.e. by nature itself,’ he added and presented (after the reviewers) those merits of Jan Krzysztof Bielecki which became the basis for awarding him an honorary doctorate of the University of Gdańsk.

‘In all the reviews, particular attention was paid to the period from 12 January to 6 December 1991, the period during which Jan Krzysztof Bielecki held the office of Prime Minister of the Republic. From today's perspective, it is clear how significant that one year, 1991, was for our country. And how much of this was due to the decisions taken by those in power at the time,' said prof. Filar, before citing examples of events which occurred in the relatively short period during which J.K. Bielecki served as Prime Minister. Some of these events, as the reviewers emphasised (and with which prof. Filar agrees), have a historical dimension, such as the Treaty between Poland and Germany of 17 June 1991 and the recognition of Ukrainian independence on 2 December 1991. However, Jan Krzysztof Bielecki's activities did not end when he ceased to serve as Prime Minister, as indicated by prof. Filar. Among other things, the former Prime Minister became a representative of Poland and a member of the Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London. According to the laudator, a clear continuation of efforts to build a market economy and develop the private sector can be seen in Jan Krzysztof Bielecki's activities. Prof. Filar, however, drew particular attention to another theme, also highlighted by the reviewers: it concerns the place in Jan Krzysztof Bielecki's activity occupied by the University of Gdańsk, his Alma Mater. The new doctor honoris causa of the University of Gdańsk has been teaching at the Faculty of Management for years, sharing the experience he has gained, and is also co-author of the textbook ‘Managing the Value of a Capital Company’, which is used in the teaching process. ‘This return of Jan Krzysztof Bielecki to the university where he began his studies over half a century ago can be seen as a clasp to his life's work - said the laudator. - I believe that everything I have been able to say here, with the participation of outstanding reviewers, fully justifies awarding Jan Krzysztof Bielecki an honoris causa doctorate from the University of Gdańsk.’

The text of the Resolution of the Senate of 28 August 2024 on awarding Jan Krzysztof Bielecki the title of doctor honoris causa of the University of Gdańsk was read by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, dr hab. Wojciech Bizon, prof. UG. The text of the honorary doctorate was read by the Dean of the Faculty of Management, dr. hab. Angelika Kędzierska-Szczepaniak, prof. UG.

After the promotion by the Rector of UG, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, Jan Krzysztof Bielecki delivered the inaugural lecture.

‘I feel moved to receive this honourable title here, at my Alma Mater, with which I have been associated for over 50 years. Today is the culmination of my life's path on professional, public, and personal grounds.’

In the lecture of the new honorary doctorate, the main theme was that of freedom, inextricably linked to the multicultural port city of Gdańsk, and the fight for this freedom - and for a better future. ‘”The Hanseatic League winks like a friendly light to all those who want to build a future based on solid local autonomy, international cooperation and a concern for universal prosperity” - so wrote Norman Davies in his fundamental work “Europe”. These words perfectly reflect my perception of Gdańsk,’ said J.K. Bielecki. He added that because of its multi-ethnic, multi-cultural character and its proximity to the sea, even during the communist era Gdańsk was ‘a magnet for free people’.

Gdańsk, its openness to the world, its uprisings for freedom, its experiences of encounters with a different culture - as well as family traditions - were all elements that shaped the later Prime Minister of Poland. ‘It was events and people, not literature, that instilled freedom and openness to the world in me .’

The former Prime Minister also appreciated his supervisor, prof. Andrzej Piskozub, who was one of the people capable of going beyond trends in a given field and who believed in the power of people to change ‘black scenarios’. This is also relevant in today's ‘age of anxiety’:

Faith in one's own strength, faith in community with others, faith in human solidarity always allows one to look to the future with hope,’ concluded Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, doctor honoris causa of the University of Gdańsk.

The University of Gdańsk received numerous congratulatory letters:


Video material

Transmission of the ceremony

Karolina Żuk-Wieczorkiewicz; photo by Alan Stocki