![Prof. Dariusz Stramski](/news/sites/ug.edu.pl.news/files/2024-11/PA250763_1.jpg)
Prof. Dariusz Stramski, prof. Emilia Jamroziak, prof. Andrzej Rychard - these are the eminent scholars who took up Named Chairs of Honour at the University of Gdańsk in the 2024/25 academic year. On October 25, at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, UG Rector prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski handed over the Wacław Szybalski Chair to prof. Dariusz Stramski.
‘Named Chair of Honour is not only an honour, but also a responsibility and a challenge of sorts, which Prof. Stramski has taken on for the coming academic year,' said Dean of the Faculty of Oceanography dr hab. Katarzyna Smolarz, prof. UG. ‘By entrusting the Wacław Szybalski Chair to Prof. Stramski, we are expressing our confidence in the future and in the scientific excellence of the Faculty.’
For Prof. Dariusz Stramski, taking over the chair was a symbolic return to the University of Gdańsk. Our University is where he completed his Master's degree and received his PhD in Earth Sciences. However, he spent most of his academic career working abroad - mainly in the USA. Dr hab. Waldemar Surosz, prof. UG, emphasised how similar the paths of prof. Wacław Szybalski and prof. Dariusz Stramski were, as both were educated in Poland, worked in European scientific institutions, and later reached the peak of their scientific development in the United States.
‘Paraphrasing Joseph Conrad Korzeniowski, one could say that nothing is as enslaving as science. Just as the sea with its boundlessness, hidden somewhere over the horizon, with the mysteries it still hides from us, is a challenge for original, curious and brave people, so science is not simply for everyone,‘ said UG Rector prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski. ‘Discovering its mysteries requires people who are unconventional, brave, and simply curious of the world, those who are not discouraged by any storm but who pursue their passions. Prof. Dariusz Stramski is undoubtedly such a person.’
Afterwards, the Rector of UG, together with the Dean of WOiG, presented prof. Dariusz Stramski with the Chair of Honour. It is worth emphasising that prof. Dariusz Stramski's activities will not be limited to the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography but will be associated with all faculties dealing with natural sciences and science.
![Katedra i wręczenie kwiatów](/news/sites/ug.edu.pl.news/files/2024-10/PA250722.jpg)
‘I accept this Chair as a great honour and great distinction, realising what an outstanding person and what an outstanding scientist Professor Wacław Szybalski was,‘ said prof. Dariusz Stramski. ‘I did not have the opportunity to meet Prof. Szybalski personally, but quite a large Polish American community lives in San Diego. Among them is a group of people who are involved in biotechnology in its broadest sense. In this group, prof. Szybalski was often mentioned, so I had an indirect opportunity to come into contact with the patron of the chair that I hold today.’
After taking up the Chair, prof. Dariusz Stramski thanked all his mentors and those who had supported him during his scientific development. Next, he gave the first lecture in his new role, entitled ‘Fundamental Science in Fundamental: Blue Skies Research in Ocean Optics’. This was the same lecture the scientist gave at the beginning of October this year after receiving the prestigious Nils Gunnar Jerlov Medal.