The University of Gdańsk has signed a cooperation agreement with the Statistical Office in Gdańsk for expert knowledge transfer, internships for UG students, and two-way training.
Following the introduction of the specialisation of statistical offices in Gdańsk, three specialised centres have been established: Statistics on Education and Human Capital, Statistics on Working Conditions and Labour Force Survey. These are the areas on which the activities of the Gdańsk branch of the CSO are focused.
‘We expect only advantages for both sides from this cooperation,’ said Deputy Director of the Statistical Office in Gdańsk Anna Mistarz. ‘The Office is happy to provide internship places for UG students, while we, in turn, are happy to take advantage of the training offered by the University.’
The Vice-Rector for Education, dr Ewa Szymczak, prof. UG, emphasises how important cooperation with expert entities is from the perspective of the university: ‘We are always looking for new areas of cooperation. We educate students for future tasks on the labour market, so we want to prepare the educational process in consultation with the local community. We welcome the opportunity for our students to do their internships at the Statistical Office in Gdańsk. We are also convinced that the mutual exchange of experience and expertise will benefit all concerned.’
‘After strengthening our relations with the Statistical Office, we expect, above all, to expand the base of experts with whom we cooperate,’ adds dr Piotr Zieliński, Director of the Centre for Courses and Training at the University of Gdańsk. ‘However, we intend not only to make use of the knowledge and training offered by the Office - the university will also prepare a training offer for CSO employees. We are therefore planning a two-way exchange of expertise.'