Want to collaborate with students from France, Italy, or Norway on an exciting project? Have an idea for an initiative that responds to contemporary societal challenges? Take part in the SEA-EU student and doctoral project competition! If you are an undergraduate, masters or doctoral student try your hand and win up to €4,000 for an international project.
The aim of the initiative is to encourage international student and doctoral teams to develop original solutions to societal challenges in the following areas:
- Inclusion, diversity and gender equality policies
- Sustainability and climate equality
- Multilingualism and pluralism
- Digitalisation and digital forms of collaboration
- Social entrepreneurship and positive community/social impact
Please join us for an information meeting about the competition on January 16 at 01:00 p.m.
The project team must consist of at least two people from different SEA-EU universities. The project must be supervised by a University of Gdańsk employee. A matching form can help you find partners from other universities.
Important dates
Online consultation: 16.01 from 13:00 to 14:30
Submission of applications: until 31.01.2025
Announcement of results: 15.02.2025
Project implementation phase: 15.02.2025 to 30.12.2025
Project settlement date: until 31.12.2025
Necessary documents:
- complete application form
- budget plan
- project implementation schedule
- letter of intent signed by the project supervisor
All the above documents should be sent by 31 January to apply-seaeu@uv.uni-kiel.de.
Before submitting the application, please read the competition regulations applicable to UG students and the appendices (appendix no. 1 and the report).
If you have any questions, please contact the Centre for Student and Doctoral Activities UG at casid@ug.edu.pl .