The University of Gdańsk invites researchers to participate in the Competition „Research Potential Database” SEA-EU which aim is to encourage the establishment or strengthening of research and teaching cooperation between SEA-EU partner universities using the information available in the Research Potential Database available at Research Potential Database and Shared Infrastructure Database for the SEA-EU Alliance | SEA-EU.
The competition will select the best international projects, which must stand out for their innovative and interdisciplinary nature, align with European values, and incorporate the sustainable development goals embedded in the SEA-EU alliance’s mission.
The competition is open to academic teachers currently employed at the University of Gdańsk in research and teaching or research positions, who are members of research groups registered in the “Research Potential Database”.
Submitted projects must involve at least one researcher from the University of Gdańsk and at least one researcher from a foreign university from the SEA-EU consortium who are members of research groups registered in the “Research Potential Database”.
The awarded projects will receive financing to cover the costs of two mobilities of University of Gdańsk employees within SEA-EU partner universities.
The result of a project submitted to the competition must be the fulfilment of one of the following conditions during the competition period (until 31.08.2026):
- submission of a joint application to one of the programs of Polish institutions financing research,
- submission of an application to the visiting professors program at the University of Gdańsk,
- submission of an application under the Seed Funds programs offered at SEA-EU partner universities.
Each person entering the recruitment process is required to complete the registration form and submit the competition application (link in the registration form) by 30.06.2025. The results will be announced on August, 8 2025.
COMPETITION REGULATIONS available at https://sea-eu.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Research-Potential-Database-rules-eng.pdf
The initiative is being implemented as part of the project “Support for Synergistic and Complementary Actions of the SEA-EU 2.0 Project – SEA-nergy,” which is part of the NAWA program “Support for European University Alliances” funded by the European Social Development Funds.