MIPMAL, STORM and Sea-BluE are the names of the first SEA-EU joint degree courses in which the University of Gdańsk is involved. Future specialists in the blue economy, port administration and sustainable management will soon start studying on them. How to present these innovative ventures to potential students was discussed by communication and promotion experts during a working meeting in Naples.
The meeting was opened by the host of the event, SEA-EU Vice-Rector for Research and Development, prof. Gabriele Sampagnaro from the University of Parthenope in Naples, who highlighted the importance of joint degrees for the alliance.
The coordinators of the joint degrees then talked about all the initiatives. In addition to the Sea-BluE bachelor's degree and STORM and MIPMAL master's degrees, there will also be a PhD programme dedicated to marine science and technology. The courses are based on mobility; students will have the opportunity to spend each year of their studies at a different university. The entire offer is also based on innovative teaching approaches and the best expertise from SEA-EU partner universities.
Representatives from each university talked about their approach to promoting international courses so far. The Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics at UG, dr Magdalena Markiewicz, mentioned, among others, promotional campaigns in social media, open days and webinars as examples of communicating the English-language offer of the faculty. Representatives from other universities also used other channels of communication and promotion, including influencer marketing and stands at international education fairs.
The assembled experts discussed the presented promotion methods. The aim of this part of the meeting was to select adequate communication solutions at local, European and global levels. Through constructive discussion, a timetable and strategy for optimal promotional and organisational activities related to the joint degree courses were developed.
The two-day meeting was attended by 21 representatives of SEA-EU universities. The University of Gdańsk was represented by dr Magdalena Markiewicz, SEA-EU Office Manager Natalia Lubińska and Marcel Jakubowski from the SEA-EU Office. Presentations on the methods of international promotion of UG were prepared by the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Management dr hab. Anna Dziadkiewicz, prof. UG and the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics of UG dr Magdalena Markiewicz.