The power of sport


Join the charity run ‘La Solidaire de Brest’ and show that sport has the power to change the world! The event will take place on March 19 on the Campus of the University of Gdańsk, and its participants will face a distance of 3 kilometers.

‘La Solidaire de Brest’ is not only a run, but above all an initiative that promotes solidarity, inclusivity, respect and sustainable development. The event was launched by the University of Brest to jointly support charitable causes. Local editions of the run are organized in different countries thanks to the cooperation within the SEA-EU alliance, which brings together nine seaside universities from all over Europe. Each kilometer traveled is one euro donated to help those in need.

The participants of the run can be students and employees of the University of Gdańsk. The first hundred people who sign up for the event will receive T-shirts.

Event program:

10:45 - 11:25 - registration at the UG Main Library (participants sign a consent, receive a bib number and a T-shirt)

11:20 - Joint warm-up

11:25 - opening of the race

11:30 - start of the run

11:55 - announcement of the results and decoration of the winners, group photo and the end of the event

You don't have to wait until March 19 to take part in the action. Everyone can start now and collect kilometers for those in need throughout March. Join the group on Strava to count your kilometers towards the action. Details on Instagram @azsuniwersytetgdanski.

The ‘La Solidaire de Brest’ run is a unique opportunity to combine sport with helping. Join us and show your solidarity!

The local edition of the event is supervised by the UG Centre for Physical Education and Sport.

ed. Julia Bereszczyńska/CPC