
We know the winners of the second edition of the Gdańsk Humanities Support Programme. Funding was granted to a total of seven scientific projects for a total amount of nearly PLN 980 000. The Gdańsk Humanities Support Programme implemented under the IDUB is addressed to academic teachers of the University of Gdańsk who conduct research in the humanities. Funding in the second…
Monika Lipińska and Fredy Archila. Biologists from the University of Gdańsk, after almost 50 years of speculation, have documented the pollination process of the orchid Ornithidium fulgens by the hummingbird Amazilia cyanocephala. - 'In contrast to van der Pijl and Dodson's observations, thanks to the photographic documentation, I was able to determine the…
The photo shows a phytotron - a room for growing plants in in vitro culture 'Development of ex situ conservation methods for protected species of the heather family (Ericaceae)' - is a project that has received funding from the programme 'Students' scientific clubs create innovations'. It will be carried out by the 'Explantatus' Student Research Group of…
'Relativistic causality and information processing' - a project submitted to the NCN competition by the International Centre for the Theory of Quantum Technologies-has gained funding of over 3.4 million PLN. - 'We ask what are the absolutely fundamental limits on information processing in any reasonable physical theory. Also such, which ... do not exist yet,' - says prof. dr…
'Prevention of addiction to learning: analysis of brainwave patterns (QEEG) and EEG Biofeedback' is the title of the project of the scientific club 'Experior', which received funding from a Ministry of Education and Science research grant under the second edition of the programme 'Students' scientific clubs create innovations'. - 'We assume that thanks to relaxation training…
Photo by Alan Stocki - 'We should take every opportunity to raise public awareness of maritime issues. In Poland, despite wide access to the sea, knowledge of maritime issues is very limited and superficial,' said dr Mariusz Sapota, prof. UG from the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, UG, on the World Protection Day…
dr hab. Anna Mazurkiewicz, prof. UG and Aleksander Piskorz We invite you to watch the next video in the series "University conversations about sustainable development" prepared by the Centre for Sustainable Development of the University of Gdańsk. Within the framework of the programme, the Centre popularises research…
How does surviving COVID-19 affect the human brain? What neuropsychological changes may occur after recovering from this disease? Are the deficits faced by some survivors temporary and will they disappear with time, or will rehabilitation be necessary? Finally, how much does the functioning of people with comorbidities who have undergone COVID-19 change and does this…
The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science prepared shows and a lecture for primary school students on the occasion of Pi Day. The date of the holiday was chosen for March 14 because of the association with the first digits of the decimal expansion of the number, as the date of March 14 is written in the USA as 3.14. Take a look at our photo report.   More about the event…
Researchers from the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology discovered and described a hitherto unknown species of parasite, a new representative of the bison nose mite family. Until recently, only three out of 90 species of bison-specific parasites were known. Thanks to the scientists from the University of Gdańsk, we managed to discover the fourth one. The…