
  Every day about 15 people commit suicide in Poland. Data from the Police Headquarters show that in the first five months of this year there were almost 5.7 thousand suicide attempts (women - almost 1.7 thousand, men - almost 4 thousand). This is more than in the corresponding period last year. - 4.8 thousand (women - 1.3 thousand, men - 3.5 thousand). This year's result is also higher than the one observed two…
  The meeting of the Committee on Emigration Affairs and Liaison with Poles Abroad of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, which was devoted to the presentation of scientific achievements in the field of Polish issues and cooperation with the Polish community abroad, was attended by dr hab. Anna Mazurkiewicz, prof. UG, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of History for Scientific Research and International Cooperation UG. …
Six Polish authors, aged 25 to 41, will participate in a workshop in the winter of 2021/2022 at a base five hundred kilometres beyond the Arctic Circle. The Uløya Island base will provide unparalleled conditions for reflection and creative work. The competition and workshops entitled Without a Mask. Workshops in the Arctic for Polish humanists, writers, philosophers and historians are announced by the Identitas…
Dr hab. Robert Czajkowski, prof. UG from the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and GUMed has been awarded in the competition of the National Centre of Science SONATA BIS 10. He received more than PLN 3 million for the implementation of his five-year research project entitled 'Friends or foes? The role of prophages in environmental adaptation and virulence of pectinolytic bacteria: Dickeya spp. and…
Dr Anna Iglikowska from the Faculty of Biology, UG. Dr Anna Iglikowska from the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, was awarded the prize in the Miniatura 5 competition of the National Science Centre. Her project, entitled: 'Testing bioaccumulation of heavy metals in aquatic crustaceans from the group of Ostracoda,' will observe the impact of water…
Supporting scientific activities leading to the preparation of a future research project planned for submission to NCN or other national or international competitions - this is the goal of the MINIATURA competition. Among the winners, there are employees of the University of Gdańsk. Coordinators of Disciplines of the National Science Centre presented ranking lists of activities qualified for funding within the MINIATURA…
Climate change threatens the transformation of calcareous shell formation in marine invertebrates, a key component of ocean functioning. Research under the project by a PhD student from UG aims to clarify to what extent the environment affects the production of carbonate shells, and what the survival potential of such organisms is in the face of climate change. In the fifth edition of the competition, young researchers…
The first issue of the magazine — Slavic madness and variations I post-conference volume, is presented by the Creative Slavic Association. The volume is a culmination of the conference 'Slavic Follies and Craziness', which took place in Gdańsk at the University of Gdańsk. The Slavic Creative Association is presenting its first academic publication. - 'It is the culmination of the 2nd International Scientific Conference…
The recruitment of substantive experts for the project 'μGrants R&D for enterprises' carried out by Excento, a special purpose entity of the GUT, has started. We are looking for scientists whose scientific interests are in line with the areas of Smart Specialisation of Pomerania (ISP). The task of the subject matter expert will be to cooperate with grantees in the development of the project charter, which is part of…
- 'Drugs from the social margin have entered the mainstream. It is enough to visit any addiction therapy centre to see that we have the whole social cross-section there and not adolescents from the area of exclusion,' - convinces dr Marcin Szulc, UG professor from the Faculty of Social Sciences, UG. He spoke about new drugs and new related threats for children and adolescents during a lecture at the Summer Meetings with…