
Research on chemical recycling of selected plastics in the presence of new catalysts - metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) will be conducted by dr inż. Patrycja Maria Jutrzenka Trzebiatowska from the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk. The project entitled: 'Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as potential catalysts for chemical recycling of polymers' received funding within the NCN SONATINA 5 competition. The planned…
- 'In his literary worlds, Grass, playing games with the past, invariably raised important questions of the present day and the human condition, thrown into the vortex of the great history,' says dr hab. Miłosława Borzyszkowska-Szewczyk, prof. UG, Faculty of Philology, UG. The Research Workshop on Borderline Memory Narratives (Institute of German Philology UG) together with the Günter Grass Association in Gdańsk invite…
At the site in Nowe Objezierz in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship archaeological works on a roundel - a Neolithic building with the character of a ceremonial centre from 7 thousand years ago - are conducted. The work has been directed for four years by prof. dr hab. Lech Czerniak from the Department of Prehistoric Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Faculty of History, University of Gdańsk. Ewa…
She is a neuropsychologist and electronics engineer with a specialisation in multimedia techniques. She is passionate about the human brain and signal processing issues. She is a co-author of several articles in prestigious scientific journals and has also managed a complex research project under the NCN PRELUDIUM 5 grant, which culminated in the dissertation 'Neuronal and cognitive mechanisms of temporal orientation in…
In the photo, Dr Katarzyna Węgrzyn from the Department of Molecular Biology UG Professor Igor Konieczny's team from the Department of Molecular Biology MWB UG and GUMed has published a journal entitled: "Defining a novel domain that provides an essential contribution to site-specific interaction of Rep proteins with DNA" in the journal Nucleic Acids…
The University of Gdańsk shared with other universities in the region its experience from the implementation of European projects STARBIOS2, RESBIOS and MINDtheGEPs implemented under Horizon 2020. The webinar entitled Gender equality in research and innovation was organised in June 2021, by the Regional Office of the Pomorskie Voivodeship in Brussels. The topic of the meeting was activities conducted for gender equality…
Each of us can become a discoverer of areas where plant species alien to our ecosystem appear and contribute to the creation of an interactive Pomeranian database of the distribution of such plants. The Biological Station of the University of Gdańsk invites you to joint actions for the protection of nature. We often hear about alien animal species threatening native ecosystems, while some species of flora are equally…
The University of Gdańsk shared with other universities in the region its experience from the implementation of European projects STARBIOS2, RESBIOS and MINDtheGEPs implemented under Horizon 2020. The webinar entitled Gender equality in research and innovation was organised in June 2021, by the Regional Office of the Pomorskie Voivodeship in Brussels. The topic of the meeting…
Scientists from the University of Gdańsk, Jagiellonian University and a scientific-industrial consortium including Producent Stolarki PCV i AL 'BEWI' Bernard Wójcik (project leader) obtained funding for the implementation of a project entitled: 'Development of innovative technology for removing coronaviruses from the air, including SARS-CoV-2 with the use of photocatalytic layers implemented in an air purifier'. The…
The latest issue of the journal 'Trends in Food Science & Technology' published a scientific article prepared by the staff of the Toxicology and Radiological Protection Unit of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk. The authors of the review article 'Beta-emitting radionuclides in wild mushrooms and potential radiotoxicity for their consumers' are employees of Toxicology and Radiological Protection Group of…