A PhD as an entrepreneurial project? As part of the MEiN undertaking, gaining a doctoral degree does not have to involve working only at a university. Two proposals from the University of Gdańsk entered the fifth edition of the 'Implementation PhD' programme.
'Implementation PhD' is a scientific work, which, in addition to its substantive value, is intended to directly support the functioning of the PhD student's workplace. Thanks to this arrangement, aspiring researchers can develop in the academic space as well as in the professional space.
In 2021, two projects from the Interuniversity Faculty of Biotechnology UG and GUMed qualified for the 'Implementation PhD' programme:
- „Badanie potencjału terapeutycznego inhibitorów białka Rab27A stosowanych w kombinacji z inhibitorami receptora PDL1 lub cząsteczkami indukującymi ukierunkowaną degradację lizosomalną receptorów punktu kontrolnego układu odpornościowego", led by prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Bielawski, Vice-Rector for Innovation and Liaison with Business and the Community,
- „Określenie wpływu składu i suplementacji mediów hodowlanych oraz skali hodowli komórkowej na fragmentację terapeutycznych przeciwciał monoklonalnych", led by dr hab. Stanisław Ołdziej, prof. UG from the Interuniversity Faculty of Biotechnology UG and GUMed.
During the first stage of the project, a PhD student receives a fellowship of PLN 3450. Then, if he or she is positively evaluated during the mid-term research plan, the fellowship increases to PLN 4450. The duration of writing the PhD thesis cannot be longer than 4 years.
The MEiN project is aimed at PhD students who simultaneously work full-time outside the university.