
Dr Wojciech Glac from the Faculty of Biology of the University of Gdańsk again proves that he has not received Science Popularizer Award in ‘Scientist’ Category in vain. The neurobiologist created board game called ‘Infection’, where you protect human body infected with the coronavirus. In that assessible way, dr Glac accustoms us with this difficult subject and educates us on the functioning of the immune system. We…
The increased use of pharmaceuticals, and consequently increased number of pharmaceuticals discarded to the environment in multiple European countries raises justifiable concerns regarding their presence and potential influence on maritime organisms. Pharmaceuticals used to treat humans are currently regarded as little-known pollutants, however they may cause a serious threat to coastal waters, close to the point…
On 5 May 2020, the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Wojciech Murdzek started works of the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language for the term 2020-2024. New Chairman of the Commission -  prof. Waldemar Martyniuk, Secretary of the Commission - prof. Iwona Janowska and Members of the Commission – including dr hab. Ewa Badyda, prof. UG  from the Institute of Polish…
National Science Center (NCN) published the list of selected research projects, foreign internships, grants and other scientific undertakings financed by the NCN, relating to the viruses and epidemies research. 6 out of 52 selected projects are carried out at the University of Gdańsk:   Funding scheme Project title PM First Name PM Last Name Faculty Signing Date End date Amount of funding granted in…
For the second time, Times Higher Education has published a prestigious ranking of universities implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set out in Agenda 2030 and therefore committed to addressing the most significant global problems of today's world, such as poverty, social inequality, lack of sufficient access to knowledge, climate change or environmental devastation.  In THE Impact Rankings, published on…
Dr Łukasz Rąbalski, researcher from the University of Gdańsk is the first person in Poland to have obtained full genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus extracted from the Polish patient. He published it in GISAID global database. The discovery will enable researchers across the world to take Poland into account in their epidemiological inquiries on COVID-19. It is an important contribution to recognizing the…
This time the specialist equipement, two sets of Thermal Cycler Light Cycler 480 II, two BSL-2 Laminar flow cabinets, together with accessories, were provided to the VII Navy Hospital at Polanki street in Gdańsk. The hospital is a part of the national single-purpose infectious disease hospitals network. Later this week University of Gdańsk will additionally provide two semi-automated DNA isolation devices for…
Prof. dr hab. Anna Herman-Antosiewicz, Head of Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, UG Faculty of Biology, received Polish Smart Development Award 2020 in “Scientist of the future’ category. This outstanding award, highly-regarded  by academics and business, promotes and appreciates authors of social and technological innovations, together with investments directly and indirectly improving standard of life. The…
Pursuant to the Order of Minster of Science and Higher Education the advisory group was appointed to prevent, counteract and combat COVID-19, of which a member is prof. dr hab. Krystyna Bieńkowska-Szewczyk, Head of Laboratory of Virus Molecular Biology at the UG Institute of Biotechnology. The advisory group will be mainly responsible for: preparing and presenting information to the minister regarding the epidemic…
As a response to the dire needs of medical and sanitary services, due to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus threat, the University of Gdańsk has provided its specialist apparatus to the Gdańsk Voivodship Unit of the State Sanitary Inspection to help address current treatment and testing crisis. The apparatus, Thermal Cycler Light Cycler 480 II for marking genetic material of the virus using RT-PCR technology, allows for…