5th place in the "Perspektywy" ranking for Cultural Studies in Gdańsk

Cultural Studies in Gdańsk was ranked fifth among the same fields of study included in the Perspektywy 2021 Ranking of Academic Schools. - 'Our faculty is constantly developing, following new trends in culture and art, as well as in the methodology of their research,' stresses dr Aleksandra Wierucka, Head of the Cultural Studies Department at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdańsk.

In the ranking of majors, 71 majors were evaluated this year. The preparation of this ranking was preceded by the so-called great calibration, as the list of majors conducted at Polish universities includes as many as 1553 names. The Perspektywy Educational Foundation, together with the universities, assigned these studies to the most popular majors or groups of majors subject to ranking.

- 'The fifth place of the Gdańsk Cultural Studies Department in the Study Majors Ranking 2021 in the group of twenty universities offering this major in Poland is a great success,' says dr hab. Grzegorz Piotrowski, prof. UG, the director of the Institute of Cultural Studies, a unit conducting three cultural studies and film studies majors at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdańsk. - 'Our Cultural Studies Department has existed for only a dozen or so years and is one of the youngest centres of cultural research and education in our country. This makes us all the more pleased with the distinction. In Gdańsk we integrate various dimensions and visions of contemporary cultural studies, opening ourselves up to practical applications of the discipline and close cooperation with cultural institutions. We are, like culture itself, in constant motion, and the distinction will motivate us even more,' he adds.

Cultural studies as an interdisciplinary science brings together at the University of Gdańsk lecturers and students who have a broad perspective, which can be summed up in one sentence by prof. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz: 'Culture is such a hill from which one can see better and further. Perhaps everyone should experience cultural studies to look at the world from this perspective.' - 'The distinction at the national forum is a confirmation that we have taken the right direction,' concludes Aleksandra Wierucka.

Congratulations to the lecturers and students of our Cultural Studies Department!

dr Anna Malcer Zakrzacka