How (not) to die for Poland? 'Big Questions': Stefan Chwin in conversation with Michał Nogas

Prof. dr hab. Stefan Chwin from the Department of the History of Polish Literature at the University of Gdańsk will be the guest of a conversation in the 'Great Questions' series, hosted by Michał Nogaś. The meeting will take place today at 7 p.m. at the Big Book Cafe in Warsaw, and the online broadcast will be available on Facebook.

Prof. dr hab. Stefan Chwin, one of the most important Polish prose writers, the author of many excellent novels set in Polish history, as well as the new book entitled 'Oddać życie za Polskę', focused on how the concept of altruistic suicide has been linked to Christianity in Polish culture, will be the guest of a conversation as part of the Big Questions series, hosted by Michał Nogaś.

During the meeting, an attempt will be made to answer the following questions: what role does the figure of 'dying for one's homeland' play in the contemporary story of Poland and the understanding of patriotism; what models of patriotism do we practice and dream about; which ones serve us best and which ones are cynically used in politics. Are we able to love our country wisely, consciously, meticulously and on a daily basis? Or can we only do it romantically, to the death?

Guests and viewers of the broadcast will also be able to ask questions during the evening. A transcript of the conversation will be available afterwards on Facebook and YouTube Big Book Cafe.

'Big Questions' is a series of Big Book Cafe talks in which the most important writers of the 21st century seek answers to the questions of the highest values, the most difficult ethical challenges, the most serious problems we face ourselves and in the community. The conversations with the guests are hosted alternately by Marta Perchuć-Burzyńska and Michał Nogaś.

EMW / Press Office UG