There's still a chance to study French Law. The second intake has started

The supplementary recruitment for the 10th jubilee edition of the Inter-University School of French Law has started! The 64-hour course is taught by lecturers from France (University of Toulouse Capitole) and Poland (University of Gdańsk and University of Warmia and Mazury). Recruitment continues until February 28.

This is the tenth time that the Faculty of Law and Administration has offered the study of French law in French. As one of the most influential legal systems in Europe, droit français is an ideal field of study for students or graduates of the following majors: law, administration, criminology, taxation and tax consulting, economics, management, Romance philology, history, diplomacy, political science, as well as doctoral students, trainees, law and French language practitioners interested in learning or deepening their knowledge of the French and European legal system and wishing to become acquainted with French legal terminology.

During the weekend sessions, the participants will learn, among other things, about French financial law, criminal law and competition law. - 'After returning from an Erasmus scholarship in beautiful Nice, I immediately knew that I would be looking for opportunities to further connect with French law and language. The School of French Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk, established in the autumn of the same year, turned out to be a perfect solution,' said Barbara Marlewska, who participated in the 1st Edition of SPF in 2012.

Eight different lectures are given in French by seven teachers, two from Poland and five from France. The entire course lasts 64 hours in total, with classes spread over the weekends of the 2021/2022 summer semester: from 17:00 to 20:30 on Friday and from 9:30 to 13:00 on Saturday. Before the meeting, participants are provided with scientific and didactic materials in electronic versions, which enable them to properly understand and prepare for the classes.

- 'After completing my Master's degree at the Institute of Romance Philology, I decided to broaden my existing knowledge by adding French law to my curriculum. I decided to enrol at the School of French Law. My choice turned out to be a great success! The classes were conducted by competent lecturers, who imparted their knowledge in a simple and easily digestible manner,' said Anna Parzyńska, participant of the 2nd Edition of SPF, 2013.

Applications can be submitted until February 28, 2022, on a first-come, first-served basis. Those interested in the SPF are invited to contact:

SPF participants who complete the course will receive a university diploma:

'Certificat d'introduction au droit français et européen'.

More information at:


Marcel Jakubowski/Press Office UG