Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre invites you to performances and concerts!

The Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre invites you to shows and concerts. A pool of 100 tickets in good seats has been prepared for UG employees.

To get a ticket, send an email to:

In the subject line of the e-mail write 'biletUG', and in the body: for which event and how many tickets you wish to order.

In response, the sender will receive a link to the purchase and then the tickets.

More information about performances and concerts:





LECH JANERKA- new album concert

March 20, 19.00

59 zł

FISH EMADE-Tworzywo- concert

April 1,

99 zł

William Shakespeare's BIRTHDAY: Romeos & Julias unplagued. Traumstadt

Theatre from Poznań


April 23, 19.00 

April 24, 18.00 


50 zł

Norwegian Dance Theatre Salve Regina - Jo Strømgren Kompani

May 5, 19.00

May 6, 19.00


60 zł

Romeo i Julia