The University of Gdańsk has signed a cooperation agreement with the Voivodeship Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Gdańsk. The agreement will result in closer collaboration in training specialised personnel dealing with public health, as well as the exchange of experience and expertise between members of the academic community and experts from SANEPID.
‘During the meeting, we sought further areas of cooperation. The university can provide a suitable training offer for SANEPID inspectors, who are required to undergo regular training in this area due to constantly changing regulations. We also discussed specialisations which SANEPID employees are obliged to acquire as part of their promotion, and which are not available on the Tricity market,’ says Vice-Rector for Education dr Ewa Szymczak, prof. UG. ‘This cooperation is also important for us because of the expert role of SANEPID inspectors in the context of educational establishments and other institutions with which the University of Gdańsk cooperates.’
‘Cooperation with the University of Gdańsk has been going on for many years and takes place on many levels,' said Anna Obuchowska, Director of the Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Gdańsk - Pomeranian State Provincial Sanitary Inspector. ‘The signing of the official agreement will allow us to establish even closer relations and, consequently, to improve the training of specialised personnel to deal with public health issues.’
The Director of the Centre for Courses and Training at the University of Gdańsk, dr Piotr Zieliński, co-responsible for signing the agreement on the part of the University of Gdańsk, said that the university counts primarily on expert cooperation: ‘The subject of health care concerns everyone. It is our common social responsibility.’