Rectors of Pomeranian universities plan development of offshore wind energy

The rectors of Pomeranian universities, who signed an agreement of intent to start scientific cooperation for the development of offshore wind energy in November last year, discussed further activities at the Koszalin University of Technology. The University of Gdańsk was represented by Rector prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski.

Photo by Marcin Golik / Koszalin University of Technology

'We have high hopes of the "Science for the Sea" consortium, primarily in terms of acquiring projects for our university in the field of marine natural sciences research, legal and economic analyses and social research related to the development of offshore wind energy,' - said prof. Piotr Stepnowski during the meeting - 'All the universities in the consortium want to maximise our potential and experience in these areas. Our portfolio of offered research and services, due to a large variety of universities, is truly impressive.'

Mariola Chojnacka, director of the Maritime Economy Department, talked about 'Perspectives for the development of offshore wind energy in Poland'. Her presentation touched upon the formal and legal conditions for the development of offshore wind farms, map visualisation, information on proceedings regarding location permits for offshore wind farms. In the second part of the meeting a discussion was held on further actions of the consortium and details of the consortium agreement were established.

The event also included a press conference, during which the consortium was represented by prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Wilde, Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, chairman of the agreement 'Science for the Sea' and dr hab. Danuta Zawadzka, prof. PK, Rector of Koszalin University of Technology. The meeting and the media briefing was also attended by Marek Gróbarczyk, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructure. 

'Offshore wind energy remains an important element in building energy security,' - said prof. Krzysztof Wilde. - 'The role of the university is to ensure, as far as possible, the transfer of knowledge to companies and the socio-economic environment. The previous agreement and now the consortium is being created so that together we can find the right directions for action and serve companies for the development of offshore wind energy. This is the purpose of our innovative approach.'

Minister Marek Gróbarczyk also took the floor and stressed that wind energy development is particularly important in times of changing energy situation in Europe. - 'A few weeks ago we published the last regulation, which launched the concession process for eleven offshore wind farm locations in the Baltic Sea,' - said the minister. The difficult process of granting concessions will last until the end of this year. The government representative also mentioned the consortium's teaching role in the preparation of new staff. On the part of the University of Gdańsk, this includes the preparation of postgraduate studies in offshore wind energy, which were launched in 2021.

According to Minister Marek Gróbarczyk, the construction of wind farms will cost around PLN 200 billion. One of the sources of co-financing is to be the European Union. With such large funds, good cooperation is important, as mentioned by the Rector of the Koszalin University of Technology. - 'As universities participating in this project, we are not in competition with each other, but we complement each other,' - said prof. Danuta Zawadzka. - 'Together we want to create favourable conditions for the development of the Polish economy, especially the offshore economy. Offshore wind energy, due to the urgency of needs and actions, was the beginning of this cooperation.'

The meeting of the Council was also attended by: Cmdre prof. dr hab. Tomasz Szubrycht, Rector - Commander of the Naval Academy in Gdynia, dr hab. inż. MM Wojciech Slączka, prof. AMS, rector of the Maritime Academy in Szczecin, prof. dr hab. inż. MM Adam Weintrit, rector of the Maritime University in Gdynia, dr hab. inż. Jacek Wróbel, prof. of ZUT, rector of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, and dr hab. inż. Małgorzata Sikora, prof. of PK, coordinator on behalf of the Koszalin University of Technology.

Text prepared based on information from Koszalin University of Technology. Photos taken from the PK website

More information on the Koszalin University of Technology website

Photos by Marcin Golik / Koszalin University of Technology
MJ / Press Office UG