Due to the postponement of Matura Exams this year, University of Gdańsk prepared new enrollment schedule for the 2020/2021 academic year and moved the enrollment process to August. Online Candidate Recruitment System (IRK) will be launched on 1 July 2020. The University of Gdańsk provides education in 89 fields of study, full-time and part-time studies, at the level of first or second cycle studies, or within comprehensive (long cycle) five-year master’s programs. Doctoral schools and postgraduate courses are also available at the University.
New enrollment schedules are available online:
At the same time, the University of Gdańsk does not change the enrollment rules for the 2020/2021 academic year (e.g. school subjects taken into account during the enrollment process). At the moment, pursuant to the current legislation, the enrollment to first cycle studies (BA/ BSc) and long cycle studies (5year’s MA/ Msc, e.g. law, psychology, pedagogy) is based on the Matura Exam results
Where to search for information
All enrollment information and rules governing it are available at UG website:
UG Recruitment Office provides information on enrollment rules:
8 Bażyńskiego street, rooms 228-230, 80-309 Gdańsk
phone numbers: (0-58) 52 32 326, 52 32 328,
52 32 332, 52 32 312, 52 32 532
e-mail: rekrutacja@ug.edu.pl
Academic offer and new fields of study
The University of Gdańsk provides education in 89 fields of study, full-time and part-time studies, at the level of first or second cycle studies, or within comprehensive (long cycle) five-year master’s program. The fields of study offered are innovative, adapted to the needs of the job market and the challenges facing 21st-century society. They are distinctly interdisciplinary and new fields of study are developed in cooperation with experts and future employers.
The 2020/2021 new academic years will see the launch of two new, full time fields of study: Maritime Hydrography and Performing Arts – management and communication.
Maritime Hydrography is a full-time, 7 semester long, first cycle engineering degree (practical profile) field of study, offered in partnership of the University of Gdańsk – Faculty of Oceanography and Geography and the Polish Naval Academy - Navigation and Naval Weapons Faculty. The studies educate future professionals of widely understood maritime affairs, prepare graduates to conduct hydrographic measurements, both at seas and inland bodies of water, also to create support systems for cartographic and hydrographic works and spatial information systems. Studies open up the possibility to obtain professional qualifications – cat. B maritime hydrographer certificate and deck officer certificate for short sea sailing (graduates after the appropriate vocational training set forth in the regulations will meet all criteria to apply for those certificates).
Performing Arts – management and communication is as a full-time, second cycle field of study offered by the UG Faculty of Languages. It is a modern, bilingual, interdisciplinary course. It is also distinguished by its dedicated English language course, Communicative English for Arts Management (portion of the classes is conducted in English, providing graduates with high level occupational language competence). Graduates will be prepared to work in theaters, art and cultural institutions, theatrical and cultural press, art archives and also in publishing houses dealing with humanities, undertake art criticism and any widely understood cultural activity.
New forms and cycles of the existing UG fields of study have been planned to be launched, such as: Mathematical modeling and data analysis (full time second cycle studies); Logopedics (part time first cycle studies); Insurances (interdisciplinary part time second cycle studies). New specializations are being launched for the existing fields of study, which widen the graduates’ range of opportunities on the job market.
A wide range of postgraduate courses and the possibility of further studies at doctoral schools – the Intercollegiate School of Biotechnology UG and MUG, the Doctoral School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences help students to continue their pursuit of academic interests and develop their existing qualifications. The rich offer of postgraduate studies allows them to develop professional skills and obtain new qualifications and certificates.
High quality and modern education conditions
The University of Gdańsk ensures the highest quality of education and opportunity to learn from distinguished researchers and academic teachers and participate in research projects and undertakings. Fields of study at the University of Gdańsk are created in cooperation with experts and employers. Students are able to intern at the top specialized institutions and enterprises. UG graduates combine knowledge with practical skills, which widens range of their possibilities on the job market.
Students may choose from amongst seven foreign languages on offer and learn them as part of a foreign language course. Introducing second mandatory language course to the curriculum is underway. UG Students can participate in multiple national and foreign exchange programs, like MOST, ERASMUS Plus and other bilateral agreements between the university and their foreign partners. State-of-the-art facilities in its Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia campuses create comfortable and convenient study environment. Students can develop their knowledge and skills joining several UG student research clubs and improve their abilities in Academic Culture Centers and sport units of the university, AZS UG.
The University is located at one of the most modern Polish campuses. In recent years new faculty buildings, workshops and laboratories equipped with modern equipment have been established under EU’s co-financing. State-of-the art infrastructure allows for research, cooperation with business and study environment befitting 21st century.
50 years of the University of Gdańsk
20 March 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of the University of Gdańsk incorporation. We celebrate half century anniversary of the University of Gdańsk and 75th anniversary of Tricity university traditions, remembering our predecessors: State Higher School of Maritime Trade in Gdynia and Gdańsk Oliwa School of Pedagogy. In 1945 the first one was converted to Higher Economic School in Sopot, the second to State Higher Pedagogical School. The University of Gdańsk was created out of the merger of those two schools.
Today, the University of Gdańsk is a dynamically developing institution of higher learning, the largest in Pomorskie region and one that combines respect for tradition with a commitment to the new. More than 25 thousand students, doctoral students and postgraduate students currently study at 11 university faculties. Over 1700 academics constitute the University of Gdańsk academic staff.
The university holds a strong position among the research leaders. The University of Gdańsk has formed (as one of five Polish universities) a consortium with its foreign partners - the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU). The University of Gdańsk, due to its academic nature, conducts various scientific research – humanities, economic, social, exact and natural sciences are all represented at the University. Biomedical, biomolecular and theory of quantum technologies researchers are among the most successful and recognized UG scientists. Under the dedicated program of the Foundation For Polish Science two international research agendas, involving researchers from across the world have been established at the University of Gdańsk: The International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science and International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies.
The University remains truthful to its motto ‘In mari via tua’ (Your path leads through the sea).The University’s maritime authority has been substantiated by the excellent and internationally renowned research stations – the Institute of Oceanography’s Prof. Krzysztof Skóra Hel Marine Station, the Bird Migration Research Station and the Biological Station in Sobieszewo. The University’s maritime image is also reflected in its fields of study, specializations and research connected with the sea. The University of Gdańsk is the only Polish university which can boast a state-of-the-art research vessel, the r/v Oceanograf catamaran. The University of Gdańsk is actively involved in Baltic cooperation through the implementation of international research projects, additionally is the leader of the National Centre for Baltic Research Consortium.
Translation: Adam Myzyk