Guests from Split, Kiel and Brest visit organizers of UG culture events- SEA EU Staff Week

On September 27-29, 2022, the University of Gdansk hosted representatives of universities from Kiel, Split and Brest as part of the Cultural Staff Week, organised by the UG Academic Cultural Centre 'Alternator' (ACK). The three-day meeting aimed to exchange experience, create a platform for cooperation and present the cultural activities of universities associated with the SEA-EU.

The participants attended meetings with people directly involved in the realisation of interesting cultural projects at the University of Gdańsk: Michał Biełuszko - head of the UG Academic Cultural Centre "Alternator", Assoc. Prof. Tomasz Wiśniewski - head of the Department of Performing Arts, as well as Grzegorz Cech, PhD and Elżbieta Sontag, PhD from the Faculty of Biology, responsible for organising exhibitions combining biological sciences and art. During a walk around the Campus, they saw places connected with the cultural activities of our University, including Prof. Jerzy Limon's theatre hall, the ACK screen-printing studio, the dressing room of the UG Song and Dance Ensemble "Jantar", exhibitions of students' works at the Faculty of Social Sciences, interesting artistic displays at the Faculty of Biology, works by Wojciech Sęczawa in the Neophilology building and the cinema room of the Andrzej Wajda UG Film Centre. They also had the opportunity to see the exhibition "SEA EU by the Sea. SEA-EU Maritime Universities in the Paintings of Aneta Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek" in the UG Main Library.

Workshops were an important part of the programme, thanks to which participants had the opportunity to improve their competencies and get to know each other better. Adam Jagiełło-Rusiłowski, PhD, conducted excellent classes on interculturalism, and Marta Szadowiak, a specialist in marketing activities, together with the participants discovered the secrets of online and offline strategies for promoting cultural events. Our guests also had the opportunity to get to know Gdansk and visit two of the city's essential cultural institutions - the Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre and the European Solidarity Centre.

During the meetings, the participants worked out a plan for further cooperation together and, hoping for another meeting, returned to their universities to share their inspirations from the Cultural Staff Week at the University of Gdansk.

The organisers of the event were Barbara Madany and Magdalena Niestoruk from the Academic Cultural Centre 'Alternator' and the SEA-EU Office.

oprac. MJ/ZP, tekst Barbara Madany