Vice-Rector for International Cooperation dr hab. Anna Jurkowska - Zeidler, prof. UG a Star of Internationalisation 2023!

The 'Star of Internationalisation' award is conferred by a jury of representatives of Polish institutions and organisations involved in developing internationalisation (e.g. NAWA, FRSE, Perspektywy). This prestigious award recognises people from the academic community who have made a unique contribution to the internationalisation of Polish universities — the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at the University of Gdańsk, dr hab. Anna Jurkowska - Zeidler, prof. UG received the award in the Management Star category for, among other things, organising the 'Solidarity with Ukraine' conference at the University of Gdańsk and the microgrant project for Ukrainian scientists.

Prof. Anna Jurkowska - Zeidler

dr hab. Anna Jurkowska - Zeidler, prof. UG

'Internationalisation strengthens our universities and shapes them anew. Polish campuses are becoming multilingual, multicultural and multiethnic. Thanks to this, our academic communities are broadening their horizons, which is a prerequisite for good studying, education and, above all, research,' says prof. Anna Jurkowska - Zeidler. - 'The University of Gdańsk actively participates in the initiative of European universities by creating an alliance of SEA EU coastal universities, the second phase of which we are just initiating in Cadiz by taking over the six-month presidency.'

The initiator of the award is Waldemar Siwiński, founder of the Perspektywy Educational Foundation: - 'The award promotes individuals who open our universities to other experiences and cultures. It is a crucial community distinction because the work put into the internationalisation of universities is often overlooked, yet it is of great value,' - he stresses.

Let us recall that thanks to the commitment of the Vice-Rector, prof. Anna Jurkowska - Zeidler, the Rector's authorities and the UG academic community, many valuable initiatives related to the development of internationalisation have been developed at our university, including a programme supporting the exchange of scientific and research experience in the Visiting Professors programme, the third edition of which was recently concluded (read here), cooperation with the Centre for Erasmus+ Initiatives, and support for the development of administrative staff through Erasmus+ programmes. 

The University of Gdańsk was also a co-organiser, together with NAWA, of the 'Solidarity with Ukraine' conference, during which it was possible not only to display the commitment of the scientific and academic community to helping Ukrainians but also to discuss, among experts from both countries, viable solutions to support the academic community of Ukraine.

'At the UG, we also care for our friends from war-torn Ukraine - enabling them to continue their research and for students to be educated so that they can one day return to their homeland and support its reconstruction,' - emphasises prof. Anna Jurkowska - Zeidler.

As the winner of the 'Star of Management' award emphasises, - 'Activities related to the internationalisation of the University of Gdańsk would not be possible without the broad cooperation of all groups of our university's community.'

- 'Our ambition is to create an international campus, which requires a change in thinking among all staff at the university. Above all, it is the staff (not only academics but also administrative staff) who should think internationally, making internationalisation part of their everyday work culture and all the activities they undertake,' - stresses prof. Jurkowska-Zeidler.

The Star of Internationalisation 2023 awards in several categories are traditionally presented during the Gala accompanying the conference entitled 'International Students in Poland. 'Foreign Students in Poland', which this year took place in Białystok. 

'Thank you very much for such a great distinction and appreciation of the work, not only mine but above all of the energetic Rectors and the entire UG team. Thanks to the support of organisations such as the Perspektywy Educational Foundation, NAWA or the National Agency of the Erasmus Programme, we can realise bold, multifaceted visions for the internationalisation of our universities,' - emphasised Star of Internationalisation 2023 winner prof. Anna Jurkowska - Zeidler. 


All winners in the Perspektywa Academic Newsletter: Internationalisation Star Awards 2023


Magdalena Nieczuja - Goniszewska/UG Press Officer