Mgr Adriana Łada-Maśko from WNS received yesterday from the hands of Monika Chabior, Vice-President of Gdańsk, the prestigious Jan Uphagen Award for Young Scientists of the City of Gdańsk in the humanities and social sciences category for outstanding scientific research achievements in the field of clinical psychology of the child in the family system. In turn, dr Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska (also from the WNS UG) was presented with the President of the City of Gdańsk and the Gdańsk Scientific Society Award for Young Scientists for 2022, awarded in April this year.
The diplomas were presented during the general meeting of the Gdańsk Scientific Society, preceded by a Scientific Seminar co-organised by the Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in cooperation with the Gdańsk Society of Friends of Art.
The Jan Uphagen Prize for Young Scientists of Gdańsk is awarded to young scientists: students and graduates of Gdańsk higher education institutions aged up to 30 for outstanding scientific achievements in two categories: humanities and social sciences and sciences and natural sciences. The tradition of this prestigious Gdańsk award dates back to 2004 (until 2006, it was called 'Young Hevelius').
The City of Gdańsk's Jan Uphagen Prize for Young Scientists in the humanities and social sciences category was awarded to mgr Ariadna Łada-Maśko from the Department of Psychology and Psychopathology of Development at the Institute of Psychology, UG. The PhD student received it for her outstanding scientific and research achievements in the field of clinical psychology of the child in the family system.
Meanwhile, the Jan Uphagen Prize in the natural and exact sciences category was awarded to dr inż. Marcin Wekwejt of the Gdańsk University of Technology - for his significant scientific achievements in the field of biomaterials engineering, including, in particular, the development of innovative functional bone cement for therapeutic applications.

Ariadna Łada-Maśko is a doctoral student in Psychology and a research and teaching assistant at the Department of Psychology and Psychopathology of Development at the Institute of Psychology, University of Gdańsk. She was already interested in the clinical psychology of children and adolescents and family psychology during her studies.
Since 2017, she has taught clinical psychology and psychological diagnostics to psychology, biology and English philology students. She has also represented the University of Gdańsk at numerous international and national conferences, including Utrecht (Netherlands), Athens (Greece) and Murcia (Spain). In addition, she has published 17 scientific articles, including 13 in journals from the prestigious JCR list.
She has also received research funding for her PhD project on personal and relational predictors of young adult parenting maturity within the University Grants for Young Researchers framework. She has created and developed an original and first in Poland and internationally unique questionnaire for studying parenting maturity.
Ariadna Łada-Maśko's current research interests focus on the following issues: the specific functioning of adolescents with disabled siblings, the cognitive functioning of children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders, personal and relational predictors of parenting maturity in young adults, modern therapeutic methods, physiological mediators of response to crying children.
The winner of the Scientific Award of the President of the City of Gdańsk and the Gdańsk Scientific Society for 2022 was dr inż. arch. Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska - an employee of the Spatial Management Department of the Institute of Social and Economic Geography and Spatial Management at the University of Gdańsk. We wrote about the award in News.
The Scientific Award of the Mayor of Gdańsk and the Gdańsk Scientific Society is awarded annually to young academics for outstanding scientific achievements. The Mayor and the GTN award five equal prizes in the fields corresponding to the Society's individual faculties: Social Sciences and Humanities; Biological and Medical Sciences; Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences; Technical Sciences; and Earth Sciences.