Cooperation expands beyond universities - SEA-EU Cities and Ports Council


The representatives of universities, ports, and city councils from the cities where SEA-EU partner universities are placed met to talk about the development of both international and regional cooperation within their institutions. The SEA-EU Cities and Ports Council deliberations were part of Governing Week, the SEA-EU Alliance summit taking place between the 27th and 30th of June of the current year.


- After completing the first phase of our project, as the nine Universities of the Seas we are ready to take upon ourselves new challenges concerning European higher education. The key factor in that matter is to start and develop cooperation with cities and ports. This meeting is a perfect opportunity to learn about different perspectives regarding what may be beneficial for the alliancem - says Rector of the University of Gdańsk prof. Piotr Stepnowski, at the start of the meeting.

Prof. Fidel Echevarría

Prof. Fidel Echevarría

Prof. Fidel Echevarría from the University of Cádiz presented the attendants with previous actions of the alliance bearing the greatest importance for cities and ports. SEA-EU coordinator talked about the period since the beginning of the second phase of the alliance (from February 2023 to present day). He paid special attention to the new visual identity of the consortium, SEA-EU's commitment to the implementation of the objectives of sustainable development, and the Blue Economy Observatory.

- The challenges cities are facing are greater and greater, and they approach faster and faster. Our citizens ask questions about the solutions concerning migration and environmental issues. In my opinion, the cities that are nowadays resilient and modern are the cities that cooperate - said Wolfgang Schmidt from Kiel City Council, the SEA-EU Cities Council coordinator. - Cooperation with other cities and universities, which are the land of opportunity, is of great importance. 


Next, cities and universities representatives talked about their expectations and the most important questions they would like to work on within the group. The attendants mentioned, among others, attracting talents, establishing specific projects to work on together, and creating a student-friendly city.

Piotr Borawski

Piotr Borawski

The cities’ representatives also named the main challenges their offices are currently facing. Vice-Mayor of Gdańsk for Economic Policy and Climate Protection Piotr Borawski talked about millions of tons of coal going through Gdańsk’s harbour due to the war in Ukraine. He highlighted how important sustainable economic growth is and mentioned the next challenge his city is likely going to encounter, which is the massive transport of Ukrainian grain. 


During the meeting, the representatives of other cities, including Bodø and Naples, also took the floor. Andre Bender representing the Kiel port talked about his impressions from the first actions of the SEA-EU Port Council. The detailed report from the functioning of the group was presented by its coordinator Luis Núñez (Port Authority Bay of Algeciras).

prof. Piotr Stepnowski

prof. Piotr Stepnowski

- As the SEA-EU alliance, we hope that your groups will take the role of co-creators of our consortium. That is why we are looking forward to hearing your comments’, Prof. Fidel Echevarría addressed the members of SEA-EU Cities and Ports Councils. Prof. Piotr Stepnowski underlined that while building this cooperation, we should not forget about universities, which conduct research crucial for cities and ports, and educate future employees of those institutions. ‘Let’s exchange knowledge, let’s learn from each other, and let’s visit each other - concluded prof. Piotr Stepnowski, ending the meeting.

Among attendees, there were the representatives of the cities, ports, and universities of Kiel, Gdańsk, Bodø, Cádiz, Naples, Malta, Gdynia, and others.

fot. i tekst Marcel Jakubowski