New high-profile publications by scientists from the Faculty of Management UG

The Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk can be proud of new interesting publications that have managed to obtain high scores according to the MEiN list. Their authors are mgr Anna Młynkowiak-Stawarz from the Department of Marketing (140 pts.), dr Patryk Kaczmarek and dr Nina Stepanok from the Department of Banking and Finance (joint publication with dr Anatoliy M. Kholodenko from Odessa University, 70 pts.), and dr Paweł Galiński from the Department of Banking and Finance (100 pts.).

Mgr Anna Młynkowiak-Stawarz conducted a study on wellbeing tourism, funded by UGrants. It resulted in a publication entitled Do Polish tourists want wellbeing tourism? Preferences for wellbeing tourism versus the psychological wellbeing of individuals, available here.

Dr Patryk Kaczmarek and dr Nina Stepanok, together with dr Anatoliy M. Kholodenko from the University of Odessa presented the results of their research on the application of new technologies in human capital management, based on a case study of a model for optimising the use of the 'Pszukaj' application, dedicated to refugees from Ukraine. Their paper entitled Investment Activity and Technological Opportunities for Human Capital Development. The Case of the "Pszukaj" Application for Ukrainian Refugees in Poland can be found here.

Dr Pawel Galiński's publication Determinants of debt for local governments in Europe - panel data research (available here) focused on the consequences of local government debt for both the public and private sectors.

Congratulations to the authors of the scored publications!

DR/Zespół Prasowy UG