Marine Data Literacy - enrolment is underway for the SEA-EU course at the University of Split

Scientists from SEA-EU University will give lectures and workshops on acquiring, analysing and using marine data. Enrolment is underway for the third edition of Marine Data Literacy, a BIP course that will occur partly online and partly at the University of Split.

The course consists of two parts: remote and onsite. The first will take place in October and November this year, while the second will be held in December this year at the University of Split (Croatia). During the online part of the course, participants from SEA-EU universities will learn about reliable sources of environmental information and how to manage large amounts of data. During the classroom part, students will acquire practical skills related to using SNAP, QGIS or ArcGIS software. 

Completing Marine Data Literacy is equivalent to a course worth 3 ECTS credits at UG. The course is designed for those whose field of study is related to the sea or the environment. Registration is open until September 15.

For more information on how to register, see the course information material.

Additional information about the course can be obtained from the local UG coordinator, dr Aleksandra Dudkowska, at

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Course's Flyer 446.19 KB
Edited by MJ/ZP, film by Centrum Produkcji Filmowej i Dokumentalnej