Small Grants Programme - UGrants

The programme of small grants - UGrants has been launched. This is another activity implemented at the University of Gdańsk within the framework of the Initiative for Research University Excellence (IDUB).

The programme makes it possible to receive funding for preliminary research and preparatory activities aimed at planning a research project and acquiring funds for its implementation. In 2021, the programme will open four competitions dedicated to PhD students from UG doctoral schools and academic teachers depending on the stage of their scientific career:

  1. UGrants-start - includes support for PhD students and young researchers to publish in prestigious journals or publishing houses.
  2. UGrants-first - aims to support researchers in obtaining their first research grant and in publishing in prestigious journals or publishing houses.
  3. UGrants-bridge - deals with increasing the efficiency of acquiring external research grants and publishing in prestigious journals or publishing houses
  4. UGrants-advanced - involves supporting researchers in increasing the efficiency of acquiring European grants, including the European Research Council (ERC) grants and publishing in the most prestigious journals or publishing houses.

- The Small Grants - UGrants programme has been designed to meet the needs of researchers at different stages of their careers - from PhD students to young scientists to advanced researchers. We want to encourage researchers to plan research projects and raise funds for their implementation. A research project intensifies scientific work, often allows to establish a research group and develop cooperation with other scientists - says, prof. Wiesław Laskowski, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research.

After the Publication Programme, the UGrants Programme is the next element implemented within the IDUB programme, which is aimed at obtaining the status of a Research University.

Detailed information on the rules and guidelines for submitting applications can be found on the website.

Press Office of University of Gdańsk