Inauguration of the academic year at the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and MUG


‘Remember that studies are not only programmes and syllabuses, but they are first and foremost people. It is above all the academic staff, which here are internationally renowned specialists. Take advantage of this as much as you can, because such an opportunity may not come again’ - this is how the academic year at the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and MUG was inaugurated by the Vice-Rector for Research, prof. dr hab. Wiesław Laskowski.

Vice-Rector for Research prof. dr hab. Wiesław Laskowski invited all UG scientific and administrative staff to join in the celebrations of the University of Gdańsk's 55th anniversary, which we will celebrate next calendar year. He also summarised the last academic year at IFB: ‘It was a very good year at your faculty. I would like to mention just three events, but ones that, from my point of view, resonated with the whole country. Undoubtedly, the most important event was the award of the Prize of the Foundation for Polish Science to prof. Krzysztof Liberek. This prize, commonly referred to as the ‘Polish Nobel’, is the most important award preceded by a multi-stage selection process. At this point it is worth noting that at the University of Gdańsk we have four winners of this award - two biotechnologists and two physicists. I would like to thank you, Madam Dean, for taking the initiative and leading to the establishment of the National Biotechnology Network. It is also significant that the agreement on this network was signed here in Gdańsk. All this means that your faculty is taking on a leadership role in the newly established discipline of biotechnology.’

Vice-Rector Prof. Wiesław Laskowski mentioned the construction of Poland's most modern BSL3+ laboratory, initiated by prof. dr hab. Krystyna Bieńkowska-Szewczyk, as the third special achievement of the faculty.

A representative of the authorities of the Medical University of Gdańsk, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs prof. dr hab. Michał Żmijewski, also gave his speech: ‘My history shows that our scientific paths can take different courses. We need to be open to all circumstances, to what fate brings us. We can have a very well-planned career, and one moment in life can decide that we take a completely different path. In the same way that one discovery can cause us to get a Nobel Prize. That's how it can be, you have to have dreams. I would like you to have dreams, because without them our work is pointless. Of the many professions, the profession of scientist has the positive side that we can create what we do. This creativity, which should be developed in you during your studies, is probably the most important thing here. Your studies are the framework on which you will build your scientific potential.’

The IFB IFB UG and MUG Dean dr hab. Ewelina Król, prof. UG, also addressed the assembled guests, summarising the previous academic year, mentioning the numerous successes of the faculty's scientists, both scientific and infrastructural. She also mentioned the scale of the research projects conducted - these are prestigious initiatives that highlight the ability to conduct innovative research at an international level. Later in the speech, prof. Ewelina Król spoke about the upcoming challenges facing faculty members: ‘The new academic year is not only the next chapter in our academic life, it is also a time to reflect on our goals, dreams and aspirations. It is a time when we can set new goals and take on ambitious challenges. One of the most important will undoubtedly be the implementation of a strategy for the development of the biotechnology discipline. Despite the high level of competition, I have great confidence that with our collective determination and commitment we will achieve our goal of the highest possible grade in the evaluation process. I believe that each of us is ready to continue world-class research, develop innovative technologies and transform knowledge into practical solutions that will improve the quality of life for people and the environment. May our shared passion, determination and commitment be the foundation of our future achievements.’

Another highlight of the ceremony was the matriculation and oath-taking of first-year students, conducted by Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Education dr hab. Andrea Lipinska. The oath-taking of doctoral students was conducted by prof. dr hab. Igor Konieczny.

Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs dr hab. Mariusz Grinholc, prof. UG congratulated the academic staff who were awarded the title of professor in the academic year 2023/2024: prof. dr hab. Robert Czajkowski, prof. dr hab. Sylwia Jafra, prof. dr hab. Aleksandra Królicka and prof. dr hab. Marcin Okroj. Habilitation and doctoral promotions followed.

The Dean of the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and MUG, dr hab. Ewelina Król, prof. UG, presented the Medals of the National Education Commission. The Rector's awards for academic teachers and non-academic staff were also presented. Among the awarded scientists were dr hab. Danuta Gutowska-Owsiak, prof. UG for her significant contribution to two publications identifying mechanisms of control of intracellular levels of filaggrin protein, preventing premature death of keratinocytes in the process of skin barrier formation, and prof. dr hab. Krystyna Bieńkowska-Szewczyk for the creation and implementation of a project to create a high biosafety laboratory (BSL3+).

The final point in the official part of the ceremony was the presentation of congratulatory letters to students by the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Education, Dr hab. Andrea Lipinska.

The culmination of the departmental inauguration of the academic year was a lecture by prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Liberek from the Department of Protein Biochemistry, who last year received the Prize of the Foundation for Polish Science, known as the Polish Nobel Prize due to its prestigious nature. The Professor's profile was introduced by the Vice-Dean for Internationalisation and Development, prof. dr hab. Rafał Sądej. The lecture was entitled Chaperone proteins in protein aggregation and disaggregation.

Julia Bereszczyńska/CPC; photo by Alan Stocki