Scientific, Ecological or Cultural Storm? Decide which one will rumble at the University of Gdańsk. This year people connected with the University of Gdańsk were nominated in as many as six categories of the Pomorskie Sztormy contest. You can vote for the candidates at or by post until March 21st this year. It is time for the seventeenth edition of 'Pomorskie Sztormy'. In 2005, the contest of Gazeta…
UG INSTITUTE OF INFORMATICS NOMINATED FOR ‘POMORSKIE SZTORMY’ CONTEST The new building of the Institute of Informatics has been nominated for this year edition of ‘Pomorskie Sztormy’ (Pomeranian Storms) contest, among the Pomeranian Euro-inspirations in the ‘Infrastructure’ category. Readers and internet users may vote until the 13 March 2020. The competition is organized by Gazeta Wyborcza Trójmiasto newspaper and the…