The Senate of the University of Gdańsk met today in hybrid mode. All items put to the vote, out of ten planned, were approved and voted on almost unanimously. The meeting began with the Senators jointly endorsing a declaration of solidarity with Ukraine.
Following the adoption of the agenda by the UG Senators, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, Rector of UG asked the Senate to unequivocally condemn Russia's military aggression against independent Ukraine and to express solidarity with the citizens of that country.
- 'The situation has changed dramatically. We are dealing with a dramatic conflict beyond our borders,' - said prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, Rector of UG, during a meeting of the UG Senate on the day of the international emergency. - 'UG can be involved in helping Ukraine. We may be asked to help the Voivode and potential refugees - he announced. He also addressed his words to UG students. - I appeal to students to prepare themselves to receive students from Ukraine,' - he said.
The UG Senate unanimously supported the declaration of solidarity with Ukraine by acclamation, and the position of the Senate will be sent to KRASP.
Text of the declaration:
The next item on the agenda was support for the proposal to employ a young and active scientist, dr hab. Dariusz Wyrzykowski from the Faculty of Chemistry UG, as a professor of the university.
In turn, two motions to award the title of honorary professor to the Senior Rectors: prof. dr hab. Marcin Pliński and prof. dr hab. Bernard Lammek were put to the vote and approved by the Convention of the Honorary Rectors of UG. The biography, research profile, achievements and contribution to the development of Gdynia oceanography of prof. dr hab. Marcin Pliński, Senior Rector of the University of Gdańsk, was presented by dr hab. Waldemar Surosz, Dean of the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography UG. The profile and scientific achievements of prof. dr hab. Bernard Lammek, Senior Rector of UG and an outstanding specialist in peptide and protein chemistry, were presented by dr hab. Beata Grobelna, prof. UG from the Faculty of Chemistry, UG. Both motions were adopted unanimously by the senators.
Next, the members of the assembly voted on a draft resolution of the Senate amending resolution no. 33/21 regarding a proposal approval of the Assembly of the Daniel Fahrenheit Union of Universities in Gdańsk concerning the transfer of a part of the subsidy by UG, GUMed and PG to the Daniel Fahrenheit Union of Universities in Gdańsk.
A draft resolution of the UG Senate amending resolution no. 49/21 regarding the determination of postgraduate studies programme (change of the postgraduate studies programme Applied Behaviour Analysis: therapy of autism spectrum disorders) and a draft resolution regarding the determination of study programmes in the fields of study conducted at the UG for study cycles beginning from the academic year 2022/2023 were presented by dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality.
The report on the activities of the University of Gdańsk Publishing House for 2021, presented by Joanna Kamień, Director of the UG Publishing House, and the approval of the minutes of the UG Senate meeting of January 27, 2022, were also unanimously approved by the senators. Free motions concluded the meeting of the UG Senate.
Senate of the University of Gdańsk - information
Senat Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego - informacje