'It is up to us what solutions we develop'. Rectors of Polish universities on work culture in the academic environment

Ergonomic working conditions, social justice and support are, according to specialists, one of many features of a positive working environment. Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland is organizing a seminar, during which rectors and employees of Polish HEIs will talk about these and other aspects of work at university.

Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland is an association of 107 rectors of HEIs which may award PhD degrees. The organisation's objective is to act for the benefit of the academic community and to coordinate cooperation between Polish HEIs. One of the forthcoming undertakings of KRASP is the seminar 'Work and cooperation culture in academic community'.

'During the seminar, we will discuss the determinants of an academic career from the perspective of possible development paths, gender equality and academic evaluation,' - says prof. dr hab. inż. Arkadiusz Mężyk, President of KRASP, Rector of the Silesian University of Technology.

The three perspectives mentioned by prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk are the topics of three sessions that will take place on March 14 between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. The first one will concern gender equality in research and innovation. - 'We want to talk about the effectiveness of solutions that build equal working and development conditions regardless of gender. Does a career in science place greater demands upon women?' - the topic of the discussion will be announced by the moderator of the meeting, prof. dr hab. Bogumiła Kaniewska, Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. 

During the second session, prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Zaremba, Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology, will conduct a session on methods of scientific and didactic work evaluation of scientists. This is a particularly complicated topic due to the difficulties in reliable evaluation of the work of scientists. - 'The effectiveness of research work is not measurable, while the evaluation of teaching activity encounters a wall of students' reluctance to fill in evaluation questionnaires. The evaluation systems adopted at universities do not lack debatable solutions, such as attempts to transfer the criteria for evaluation of units to the evaluation of academic teachers. So... it is worth having a talk,' - invites prof. Krzysztof Zaremba.

The last meeting will be devoted to young scientists and the academic career paths available to them. Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Węgrzyn from UG, who leads a team of young scientists from the Faculty of Biology, will talk about the challenges and opportunities for people starting their careers at the university. - 'Strategic, conscious career planning at each stage and developing qualities that support us in research is the key to success in science,' - says prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Żądzińska, the President of the Commission for Science of KRASP, the Rector of the University of Łódź, who will conduct the last session of the seminar.

'The academic community has recently been facing many challenges - not only those related to pandemics, anti-scientific attitudes, funding cuts and threats to academic freedom,' - says prof. dr hab. Roman Cieślak, the Chairman of the CRASP Commission for Communication and Social Responsibility, the Rector of the SWPS University - 'In this difficult situation, we try to discuss issues that directly affect almost every academic teacher. It depends on us what solutions we work out, but they will certainly not be optimal and accepted if they are not worked out in a dialogue.'

Event website, including registration form:


The event is organized by the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland in cooperation with the General Council for Science and Higher Education and SWPS University.

Marcel Jakubowski / Press Office UG