'Education Leaders' distinction for the University of Gdańsk

The University of Gdańsk has been honoured by the Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL) in the 'Education Leaders' category. It is an award granted for significant contributions to the development of the modern business services sector. ABSL Gala is held once every two years. This year the Association of Business Service Leaders presented 49 awards in ten categories. 

The Association of Business Service Leaders is an association of over 200 biggest Polish companies. One of the main goals of the institution is to seek legislation that ensures stable conditions for business development. It also cooperates with universities to raise the qualifications of people entering the labour market. 

Once every two years the Association of Business Service Leaders honours organizations, institutions and individuals who have contributed to the significant development of their sector. ABSL awards prizes in ten categories including 'Leaders of Technology and Digital Transformation', 'Leaders of Talent Development' and 'Leaders of Education'. The latter was awarded to the University of Gdańsk during the Gala.

It is an award for educational institutions whose activities increase the competencies of future employees and which provide the best classes, curricula and syllabuses. 

The cooperation with ABSL is coordinated at the University of Gdańsk by dr Sebastian Susmarski, Director of the Office for Social and Economic Cooperation

Diploma awarded to the University of Gdańsk
Marcel Jakubowski / Press Office UG