Agreement on salary increases for UG employees

On October 24th this year, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, Rector of the University of Gdańsk, together with representatives of all the trade unions operating at the University of Gdańsk, reached an agreement on the implementation of salary increases for university employees.

In pursuance of the policy of full transparency of the principles of remuneration of University of Gdańsk employees, we present below the full content of the agreement reached.

Its main assumptions are:

  • amount of obligatory increase of basic remuneration with regard to academic teachers employed at the positions of professor, university professor, assistant professor, senior lecturer with a doctoral degree is PLN 110.00 (calculated on a full-time basis), the amount of discretionary increase of basic remuneration with regard to this group of employees is PLN 150.00. (However, this amount is at the disposal of Deans and Directors of Academic Units. In order to determine the size of the increase for academic staff, Deans and Directors of Units will appoint committees for the evaluation of academic staff's scholarly activity). For academic teachers employed in other positions (assistant, lecturer, senior lecturer, lecturer, instructor), the amount of the raise is PLN 260.00;
  • the amount of obligatory increase of basic salary for non-teaching staff is PLN 110.00, the amount of discretionary increase of basic salary for this group of employees is PLN 90.00For service staff, the amount of the increase is PLN 200.00.

'I am glad that in such a short time and in such a constructive atmosphere, together with the representatives of all trade unions operating at the University of Gdańsk, we managed to agree on the implementation of the salary increase for the employees of the University of Gdańsk,' - says prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, Rector of the University of Gdańsk. - 'The next tranche of pay rises can be expected in the middle of next year. It will be distributed in a similar manner,' - he adds.  

Payment of the increases agreed under the agreement will be compensated from October 1, 2022.

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