Criminal mysteries of the Fahrenheit University


Under this enigmatic title is the name of the fourth episode of the University of Fahrenheit podcast in the series 'Conversations with Fahrenheit', in which - not only about science - we talk to representatives of the Fahrenheit Universities community.

Scientists who have the opportunity to solve unusual puzzles on a daily basis talked about the different facets of research related to forensic science.

The guests of Dariusz Szreter, host of the podcast, were:

prof. dr hab. Ryszard Pawłowski - Head of the Forensic Biology and Genetics Laboratory of the Department of Forensic Medicine at the Medical University of Gdańsk, an expert in forensic genetics;

dr hab. Magdalena Śliwka-Kaszyńska, prof. PG - Department of Organic Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology, an expert in archaeological chemistry;

dr Magdalena Kasprzak - assistant professor at the Department of Trial Criminal Law and Forensic Science, University of Gdańsk, a specialist in forensic tactics and forensic psychology.

Our interviewees discussed how the resources of the three Fahrenheit Universities can be used in forensic research.

They talked about forensic genetics, forgery of works of art, whether perfect forgery exists, and polygraphic testing and non-verbal communication analysis.

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