Artificial intelligence's potential in routine patient care is still not fully realised, although digital solutions would benefit, for example, the accessibility of healthcare systems.
Those interested in developing innovative projects in the health field are invited to join a course run by the InnovAId project. During the monthly seminars, experts will share in an accessible way the valuable knowledge at different stages of designing and implementing innovative solutions in the area of digital health. We will discuss, in turn, the process of diagnosing needs and designing a service or product, as well as legal and financial issues related to their introduction to the market, such as intellectual property, principles of creating a business plan, and investor relations.
At the next Intellectual property, licenses, and spin-offs in digital health meeting, we will discuss legal aspects related to the implementation and dissemination of new solutions in the field of health. Our experts will be happy to answer your questions.
Date and venue of the meeting
23.02.2023 (Thursday), 17.00, seminar room of the Department of Translational Oncology (Collegium Biomedicum, ul. Dębinki 1).
Registration form: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=n1qaLbdpQEmhpq9V81ugaSAlOZ0GN3dAq2Ag3dAISmJUN1k4UldCWFkxS1JKNE1VQlJLWE5OTFBWQy4u%20
The course is being held as part of the InnovAId project implemented by an international consortium which, in addition to MUG, includes universities from the Netherlands (University Medical Center Utrecht), Belgium (University of Applied Sciences and Arts) and Portugal (Lisbon School of Nursing). Detailed information on the project is available at https://eit-hei.eu/projects/innovaid/.
You are warmly invited!