A meeting to summarise the work of Task 1 of the SEA-EU DOC project: 'Beyond academia: broadening the career horizons of doctoral students in marine and maritime sciences in Europe,' was held in the hospitable surroundings of the Institute of Oceanography, Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, University of Gdańsk. The project is implemented within the Strategic Partnership for Higher Education action framework of the Erasmus+ Programme in the SEA-EU European Maritime University Consortium. The University of Gdańsk coordinates the work on Task 1. The meeting was attended by doctoral students of Tricity universities, employers from the maritime industry, guests and the project team.
The multiplier event took place on March 8. The meeting was chaired by prof. Barbara Pawłowska, Project Manager on behalf of the University of Gdańsk and Director of the Doctoral School in Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk, who presented the project partners, objectives and results obtained.
The project is being carried out with Cadiz, Brest, Kiel, Split and Malta universities. The project's main objective is to develop good practices based on the partners' experience and to offer European universities educational standards aimed at equipping doctoral students with the competencies they need to take up employment in the non-academic labour market in the broadly defined maritime economy. The project also aims to strengthen cooperation between partners, implement innovative practices, and develop entrepreneurship and active collaboration among doctoral and PhD students.
As part of the project, 72 interviews were prepared with doctoral graduates, PhDs who took up jobs in maritime professions in the non-academic sector. Sixty were published in a booklet prepared by the University of Gdańsk, and 12 were realised as video interviews. The interviews and the booklet are available on the doctoral school's website—booklet link.
As part of the project work, surveys were also carried out to identify the openness of employers to employ people with doctoral degrees and their expectations regarding the use of the skills of such employees. The project also resulted in training courses for doctoral students and their supervisors: 'Career development for doctoral students'; 'How to guide your doctoral students in their career development?'; 'Problem-solving skills for higher education learners' and 'Agile skills for doctoral students'.
Two panel discussions were held during the meeting, presenting the results achieved so far in the project. The panel entitled 'A doctoral degree and what next? How to use your potential on the labour market?' was moderated by dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz (Institute of Media, Journalism and Social Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, UG). It was attended by project participants recruited for interviews: dr Joanna Maciak (Institute of Meteorology and Water Management National Research Institute in Gdynia), dr Marcin Szerle (Gdynia City Museum, Gdynia Research Centre) and dr Michał Tuszyński (Port of Gdynia Authority S.A.). The debate was preceded by presenting the aims, objectives and results of Intellectual Output 1, which involved interviews and creating a booklet. The presentation was delivered by prof. Małgorzata Łosiewicz, Director of the Institute of Media, Journalism and Social Communication at the Faculty of Social Sciences, UG.
The panel: 'Future competencies in the maritime economy and doctoral education' was moderated by prof. Dorota Burska (Institute of Oceanography, Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, UG). The panellists included: Alicja Harackiewicz, Director of the Experyment Science Centre in Gdynia, Paweł Gajewski, President of MEWO S.A. and dr Ewa Szymczak from the University of Gdańsk.
The debates concluded with a discussion with the participants, doctoral students and guests.
The project 'Beyond academia: broadening the career horizons of doctoral students in marine and maritime sciences in Europe' started on September 1, 2020, and will run until August 31, 2023.
Project team members:
dr hab. Barbara Pawłowska prof. UG
dr hab. Małgorzata Łosiewicz, prof. UG
dr hab. Dorota Burska, prof. UG
dr hab. Barbara Klassa, prof. UG
dr Beata Czechowska-Derkacz
dr Olga Dębicka
dr Anna Panasiuk
dr Olga Śniadach
mgr Dorota Hebel
mgr inż. Mateusz Byczkowski
mgr Julian Wierciński