University Secondary School with a 100 per cent Matura pass rate


The Paweł Adamowicz University Secondary School in Gdańsk, which cooperates with Fahrenheit's universities, i.e. the University of Gdańsk, the Medical University of Gdańsk and the Gdańsk University of Technology, can boast excellent matriculation results. All its students passed their Matura exams with excellence.

According to the latest recruitment results (statistics of applicants - intake for the 2023/2024 school year. Schools from the Tri-City area), ULO is the most popular secondary school. The total number of applicants in this year's recruitment was 2971, and the number of applicants from the first reference was 442. With 140 places, this gives 3.16 applicants per place.

The ULO is distinguished not only by its broad, profiled range of extra-curricular activities but also by its cooperation with the academic and international community.

'It is essential that students can, under the supervision of academics, carry out research projects, test their existing skills and participate in university life, for example, by taking part in conferences, workshops and other such events,' says dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, Vice-Chancellor for Students and Quality of Education at UG.

From September 2022, the  University High School operates in a new location - in Wrzeszcz.

We encourage you to watch a film about the school.


Źródło: YT ULO

EMW/Zespół Prasowy UG