The Prime Minister Donald Tusk, at the request of the Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar, appointed the Commission for the Codification of Criminal Law. Dr hab. Sławomir Steinborn, prof. UG, is among the appointed members.
The nomination ceremony took place on April 4 this year. As the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar pointed out, the Commission is returning to the Ministry of Justice after a break of eight years, and yet the law, including criminal law, cannot be created without the participation of experts. There is then a risk of political influence when drafting regulations.
The chairman of the Commission, prof. Włodzimierz Wróbel, noted that it is made up of the most prominent experts, which gives an opportunity to create rational criminal law. In his opinion, the reappearance of the Codification Commissions (including the Criminal Law) creates space for discussions in which arguments rather than emotions will count.
The competencies of the CCCL will include the development of regulations in the broad field of substantive, procedural and executive criminal law, fiscal criminal law and the law on offences. In addition, the CCCL's remit will also encompass several peri-code laws concerning criminal law matters, such as the Act on the Liability of Collective Entities for Criminal Offences.
Dr hab. Slawomir Steinborn, prof. UG is head of the Chair of Criminal Trial Law and Criminalistics at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk. Since 2016, he has held the office of a judge of the Court of Appeal in Gdańsk, and in the term 2023-2026 he is the President of the Board of the Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum. He is the author and co-author of more than 140 scientific studies on criminal procedure, constitutional law and European criminal law, including articles published in recognised journals and foreign publications, monographs, commentaries and academic textbooks. At the University of Gdańsk, he also serves as the Ombudsman for Academic Integrity.