More than €3.5 million in funding for the ‘LIFE for Dunes PL’ project


Protecting and renaturating coastal dune habitats and conducting scientific research that lays the foundations for effective management of the Baltic coastal zone - these are the main objectives of the newly-funded ‘LIFE for Dunes PL’ project under the LIFE programme.

Coastal dune habitats, which are the dominant ecosystem type of the southern Baltic coast, are currently threatened with disappearance due to the impact of a number of anthropogenic factors and their state of conservation is poor. As a result, their conservation prospects are unfavourable. The project includes non-forest dune habitats considered to be of natural value under the EU Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC (habitat codes: 2110 - initial stages of coastal white dunes, 2120 - coastal white dunes, 2130 - coastal grey dunes, 2140 - coastal crowberry heath). Two of the habitat types listed: 2130 and 2140, are priority habitats. The project on the UG side is led by dr Magdalena Lazarus from the Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation, Faculty of Biology.

We have spent a very long time preparing ourselves and our team to submit an application under the LIFE programme. We managed to involve many excellent specialists from several different scientific institutions and authorities. I am pleased that the whole process of preparing and submitting the application was successful. Under the project, which will be coordinated by the University of Gdańsk, we will undertake comprehensive measures to protect and restore the dune habitats of the southern Baltic coast. We have planned active protection measures, we will scientifically analyse the impact of invasive species on dune habitats, and we will compare and evaluate the effectiveness of different methods of removing such species. We have also planned extensive educational activities in the project,’ explains UG project leader Dr Magdalena Lazarus from the Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation at the Faculty of Biology.

Many activities are planned as part of the project, including:

  1. Removal of invasive species (WP2).
  2. Creation of ecotone zones through selective tree removal (WP2).
  3. Analysis of local geomorphological processes and their impact on dunes in order to plan and implement more effective dune habitat protection methods (WP3).
  4. Dissemination of good coastal zone management practices (WP4).
  5. Educational activities for different social groups, including the organisation of workshops, lectures, outdoor events and the creation of educational materials (WP4).

With the funding we have received of EUR 8,645 , 377.00, of which EUR 3,626,652.00 goes to the University of Gdańsk, we are ready to implement our plans,’ says dr Magdalena Lazarus. ‘We cordially invite you to follow the progress of the project and expand our knowledge of how together we can protect our precious dunes,’ she adds.

Julia Bereszczyńska/Press Office