Meeting with the Rector of Tokiwa University in Japan


Inter-university cooperation, student exchange and differences and similarities in the context of educational levels were discussed at a meeting with the Rector of Tokiwa University, Professor Keiko Tomita.

On 15 July, a meeting was held with the Rector of Tokiwa University in Japan, prof. Keiko Tomita. The University of Gdańsk was represented by the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality , dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG, dr hab. Mikołaj Rychło, prof. UG, who from the new academic year will take up the post of Vice-Dean for International Cooperation at the Faculty of Languages, and mgr Dominika Brulińska from the UG International Cooperation Office.

We began our cooperation with Tokiwa University in 2021, when a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between our universities. The cooperation quickly resulted in the signing of a student exchange agreement (in 2022), under which UG students have the opportunity to travel to Japan and our partner's students come to UG to undertake their education during a semester-long exchange. So far, students from the Faculty of Languages studying Eastern Studies have participated in the exchange, while the UG Faculty of Languages has hosted students from Tokiwa University studying English Philology,’ says Dominika Brulinska.

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss the possibility of developing cooperation and ways to encourage students to participate in the exchange. The differences and similarities between the universities were also discussed, both in terms of study programmes and the level of education.
During the short visit, the Rector, prof. Keiko Tomita, also visited the Oliwa campus, which was an important element in presenting the facilities available to the University of Gdańsk.

Photo by Alan Stocki/UG
Edit. Press Office