Gdańsk Matura Salon at UG September 5-6, 2024

Fot. Marcel Jakubowski

Photo by Marcel Jakubowski

Meetings with REGIONAL EXAMINATION COMMISSION representatives, presentations of universities and fields of study, stands of higher education institutions from all over Poland - for two days, on September 5 and 6, the University became a place where ‘matura meets studies’. The Gdańsk Matura Salon, inaugurates this year's campaign of the Educational Foundation ‘Perspektywy’, aimed at supporting young people in choosing their educational path and matura strategy. The event is hosted by the University of Gdańsk.

The ‘Perspektywy’ Education Salon at the University of Gdańsk is taking place for the 18th time. This year's event at the UG initiates the educational campaign, which will be concluded by Salons in Warsaw and Rzeszów on September 27. The official opening of the Gdansk Salon took place on 5 September.

‘I wanted to say “Good morning to you”, but I'll start: wow, there are really a lot of you here!,’ the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski welcomed the high school graduates. ‘This is a wonderful and encouraging sight,’ he added. He recalled that the Gdańsk Matura Salon is always organised with no only this year's, but also future high school graduates in mind, who are facing one of the most important decisions in their lives. ‘We feel a special responsibility, but also great pride in being able to open this excellent and prestigious series of events for high school graduates. It is also proof of our continued good cooperation with the Educational Foundation ‘Perspektywy’.
The Rector stressed that in an age of information noise (generated by numerous media outlets), an event such as the Baccalaureate Salon is invaluable, and encouraged students to take advantage of the opportunity to talk face-to-face - especially with those who are already studying.

A surprise at the opening of the event was the honouring of the Director of the Regional Examination Commission in Gdańsk, Irena Laguna, who has worked at REC for 25 years, with the University of Gdańsk's Silver Medal BENE MERITO ET MERENTI. The medal was presented by the Rector, expressing his gratitude for many years of cooperation and excellent organisation of panels with Regional Examination Commission experts.

Pomeranian Voivodeship Board Member Agnieszka Baranowska encouraged future high school graduates to be guided by their hearts and to have their own best interests at heart when making life choices. ‘I believe that you will manage if you believe in yourself,’ she said. Bartosz Stawiarz, Chief Operating Officer of Perspektywa Press, also spoke. He thanked the University of Gdańsk for its hospitality and the Regional Examination Commission experts for their support and presence. He then wished the students ‘to be top-class strategists’ when choosing their baccalaureate subjects. ‘I hope you will have fun with us,’ he added.

Ms Irena Laguna then presented the assumptions of the matriculation examinations in 2025. She emphasised the importance of planning matriculation ‘with your head’ (citing the example of how, by having a good understanding of the university's admission requirements, one can reduce the number of subjects passed). She also appealed to students to be very careful both when declaring their baccalaureate subject choices (including ensuring that their data is correct) and when filling in their exam papers. Above all, however, she informed the event's participants where they should look for information about the baccalaureate and whom to contact in case of doubts.

The Baccalaureate Salon is an excellent opportunity for students and teachers to obtain ‘first-hand’ information about the baccalaureate examinations in individual subjects, which are being prepared for 2025. In addition to meetings with REC experts, the Salon provides an opportunity to learn about the educational offer of higher education institutions. Visitors could take advantage of presentations prepared by the University of Gdańsk, the Maritime University of Gdynia and the Gdańsk University of Technology. According to the organisers, future high school graduates often had specific questions, and examination sheets were of great interest.

Take a look at the video and photos from the event!

Video by Mateusz Byczkowski

Karolina Żuk-Wieczorkiewicz/CPC UG