Museum of UG is now open!


photo by Alan Stocki/UG

A solemn atmosphere, moving speeches, and an afternoon full of memories with the University of Gdańsk in the leading role - this is how the opening of the University of Gdańsk Museum can be summed up.

The grand opening of the University of Gdańsk Museum's permanent exhibition took place on Friday October 11, 2024. Prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski , Rector of the University of Gdańsk, recalled outstanding graduates of the University of Gdańsk, among whom there is no shortage of world-famous scientists, entrepreneurs, business people and politicians who have changed the course of history in our country. ‘As I look at the guests gathered today, I think of the hundreds of thousands of people who, at different levels and at different times in their lives, have bound their fate to our University. And I know that for many this time was, for various reasons, so important that you have kept mementoes of this period in your homes. And I would like to thank you very much for sharing them and making them available to visitors to the University of Gdańsk Museum. This is a touching moment for our community - in the progressing digitalisation such material testimonies, one could say ‘tangible’ evidence of the bonds of our community - are an extraordinary gift,’ said the Rector.

The UG Rector addressed special thanks to Museum of UG Director Marta Szaszkiewicz: ‘However, there would not be a facility and we would not be here if it were not for the tremendous efforts of one small team - namely Museum Director Marta Szaszkiewicz and her team, whom I thank very much for the enormous amount of work and heart put into preparing the museum. I would also like to thank the Chancellor's team, the contractors and all those who have contributed to the fact that this investment, which has lasted several years, interrupted by pandemic, organisational and financial issues, has come to an end and we can now celebrate the opening of the University of Gdańsk Museum.’

The floor was then taken by the Head of the Political Cabinet of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Damian Syjczak, who read out an excerpt from a letter written by the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Dariusz Wieczorek , addressed to the university authorities, the management of the UG Museum and the entire University of Gdańsk academic community. ‘We appreciate your efforts to preserve for future generations the testimonies documenting the most important events in the university's over fifty-year tradition. I am convinced that the exhibition opening today will be of great interest and will become a particular inspiration for visitors to deepen their knowledge of the University of Gdańsk's authorities, employees, scientific activity and student culture.’

Dr hab. Hubert Kowalski, prof. UW, President of the Association of University Museums and Director of the University of Warsaw Museum, read out a letter from the International Council of Museums ICOM Polish Branch, signed by the Council's Chairman prof. dr hab. Robert Kotowski. He then addressed the assembled guests on behalf of the Association of University Museums: ‘University museums play an extremely important role in nurturing academic heritage, documenting the history of the university and academic achievements, as well as promoting values that build identity and nurture academic traditions. The opening of the University of Gdańsk Museum is therefore a huge step forward in these efforts, and at the same time an excellent opportunity to celebrate the history, traditions and achievements of the academic community, especially as the University of Gdańsk will celebrate its 55th anniversary in 2025.’

Marta Szaszkiewicz, Director of the Museum, addressed the University of Gdańsk authorities with special thanks: ‘I would especially like to thank the Rector, Prof. Piotr Stepnowski, for the trust you have placed in me and my team and for believing in this project to the very end. Thank you very much to the Chancellor's team, who also placed their trust in us and mobilised us.’ The museum director also thanked the contractors, inspectors, conservators, set designers and all those who were involved in the creation of the exhibition. She also emphasised the role of her closest collaborators: Magdalena Jaszcza, Michalina Kuczkowska and Katarzyna Borejsza. ‘The history of the University of Gdańsk has its safe haven in the form of this permanent exhibition, but we, with my super team, are catching the wind in our sails and sailing on, because this is only the beginning,’ she said.

The symbolic opening of the UG Museum, cutting the ribbon, was performed by the Rector of the UG prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, the Head of the Political Cabinet of the Minister of Science and Higher Education Damian Syjczak and the Museum Director Marta Szaszkiewicz. Museum donors were also honoured with congratulatory letters. On behalf of all donors, University of Gdańsk graduate Anna Biała spoke, sharing with guests her memories of her university days. The official opening of the Museum was honoured by a performance by the Gdańsk Academic Orchestra. The ceremony culminated with a tour of the permanent exhibition.

On that day, prizes were also awarded to the winners of the Obiektyw na UG, a photography competition aimed at the academic community.  ‘ We started today with history and now we have a contemporary look at our University,’ said Director Marta Szaszkiewicz. The awards were presented by the Vice-Rector for Research, prof. dr hab. Wiesław Laskowski. ‘Science and art are on the same shelf. They inspire each other, both require sensitivity, imagination and creativity, but science can also inspire art.’

Awards were presented in two categories:

UGSpace - a presentation and promotion of the qualities of the surroundings, buildings and objects on the University of Gdańsk campuses, seen as places for artistic, sporting and teaching activities and leisure,

UGScience - an inspiring presentation of research conducted at the University of Gdańsk, including the places where female scientists work and where ideas and theories are developed.

In the UGSpace category, the winners were:

  • 1st place - Rafał Mielczarek
  • II place - Piotr Storoniak
  • III place - Filip Gąsior

In the UGScience category, however, the winners were:

  • 1st place - Marta Cebera
  • II place - Monika Sobiechowska-Sasim
  • III place - Maria Dzierżyńska

All the awarded works can be viewed at the UG Museum as part of the temporary post-competition exhibition Lens at UG.

Julia Bereszczyńska/CPC