The Ministry of Science and Higher Education has published information on the results of university enrolment for the 2024/2025 academic year at universities supervised by the Minister of Science. The University of Gdańsk has been ranked among the nation's top public universities most favoured by candidates for Bachelor's and Single Master's degrees.
Like last year, our university was ranked sixth in Poland in terms of the total number of applications from candidates for full-time first-cycle and full-time master's programmes. Only three universities overtook us; the other two universities ranked higher were technical universities (including UG's partner from the Daniel Fahrenheit Union of Universities in Gdańsk, the Gdańsk University of Technology, in third place).
‘The results published by the Ministry show that the educational offer of the University of Gdańsk is still attractive to candidates for studies,’ said the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski. ‘We are also trying to adapt to the changes that are taking place - both demographic changes and changes on the labour market, related, for example, to the development of the offshore industry, artificial intelligence or social sciences or the demand for employees fluent in several languages. We try to prepare our study programmes to attract as many talented young people as possible.’
The University of Gdańsk, alongside many classic and enduringly popular fields of study, also offers training in modern fields desired by candidates, such as Japanese studies or the art of creative writing.
‘In the past recruitment process, the largest number of candidates applied for psychology (1,821), law (1,451) and economics (1,154),’ says UG Recruitment Office Manager Beata Królczyk. ‘In terms of the number of applicants per place, criminology, journalism and social communication and Japanese studies were the most successful. Year on year, there are more and more people wishing to study at the University of Gdańsk - we are one of the few not to feel the effects of the demographic decline.’
Full information prepared by the Ministry can be found here.
We wrote more about recruitment at the UG here.