Photo by Alan Stocki
Developing strategic tasks assigned to individual operational objectives, as well as linking the University of Gdańsk's strategy to the strategies of its faculties - these were the main objectives of the next training session held on January 16, 2025 at the University of Gdańsk Library. The meeting, prepared by members of the Senate Committee for Organisation and Development, was chaired by dr hab. Paweł Antonowicz, prof. UG, Vice-Rector for Development and Finance.
'It is rare to find an organisation so large, so multifaceted, which, having so many ambitious, interesting and creative ideas for area-based development, is able to reach a consensus through only three strategic workshops, as was the case with us,' remarked dr hab. Paweł Antonowicz, prof. UG, when summarising the work done so far to create and implement the University of Gdańsk's strategy for 2025-2030. The Vice-Rector also emphasised the uniqueness of the University's undertaking, despite the use of certain elements of strategic solutions applied in other large organisations: 'Everything we are doing here is prototypical, pioneering from the perspective of the way we manage the strategy of such a complex entity as our university. You can feel proud that you are implementing this at such a high level of respect, diplomacy and mutual listening to the positions of those representing other academic disciplines as well as other staff groups.'
The presenter outlined the next steps in putting the UG strategy into practice. The most immediate task, which is an essential element of the meeting, is the development by the owners of the operational objectives of the tasks assigned to these objectives - the so-called strategic tasks. Such a cascade model of planning - from the strategic perspectives in the BSC, through the strategic goals and operational objectives, to the strategic tasks implemented in the individual units of the Rector's Administration and in the UG faculties - is intended to facilitate the creation of a comprehensive university strategy and ensure its consistency with the faculties' strategies. This is why it is crucial to formulate the strategic tasks in such a way that they can be adopted (inherited - in the language of our strategic planning) into the faculty strategies.
The faculties (in addition to their links to the objectives enshrined in our university's general strategy) will retain full autonomy in setting their own strategic objectives. Supplementing faculty strategies with autonomously defined strategic tasks is to be one of the final stages of implementing the UG strategy management system for the next five years.
During the training, the Vice-Rector for Development and Finance also presented his own insights entitled: ‘The 7 cardinal sins of strategic management’ - and the 7 main UG responses that are implemented in the strategic management space at the University of Gdańsk (i.e. at the level of UG strategy development and implementation):
- CASCADE STRATEGY, fully enabling delegation of responsibility and operationalisation of the Strategy;
- A OWNER STRATEGY, which makes clear the position responsibilities for the ‘sectional’ implementation of the different parts of the Strategy;
- A STRATEGY WITH TARGETS, from which both units of measurement and quantifiable targets, predefined in the UG Strategy, are clear;
- A MONITORED STRATEGY, based on periodic (in the case of UG, quarterly) reviews of the strategic package, which is not only in line with the fundamental tenets of management based on the levelling of deviations from assumed plans, but also in line with the recommendations from the internal strategic audit that was carried out on behalf of the Ministry;
- AN AGILE STRATEGY, based on the assumption that what is planned today may change within its horizon - so this aspect of dynamic strategy management should be included in the change management process;
- A TRANSPARENTLY COMMUNICATED AND WIDELY CONSULTED STRATEGY with specific owners who, both substantively and at the level of defined MBO objectives, identify themselves, feel a sense of ownership and are well aware of their substantive ownership of the strategy over the strategy period.
Towards the end of the meeting, the way in which the owners of the operational objectives filled in the strategic task sheet was discussed. The Vice-Rectors (who are responsible for each strategic area) informed the audience about the deadlines for completing the tasks and about the planned meetings and ways of working.
The next training session for the UG Strategy Operational Objective Owners will take place on January 23 this year.
We have previously written about the previous workshop meetings to develop a comprehensive UG strategy (October 22, 2024, November 5, 2024 and November 8, 2024) on our website.