‘Written on the Records. 55 Years of the University of Gdańsk’ - report from the exhibition opening

W kartach zapisane - fot. Bartlomiej Jętczak

Fot. Bartlomiej Jętczak

From library printouts to an online catalogue: ‘Written on the Records. 55 Years of the University of Gdańsk’ is the second instalment of an exhibition that aims to appreciate the beauty of library record sheets, which are a unique testimony of history. The exhibition opening at the Main Library of the University of Gdańsk took place on March 18, 2025.

History and passion: these two elements were strongly emphasised during the opening ceremony of the exhibition ‘Written on the Records. 55 Years of the University of Gdańsk’. The first opening of the exhibition related to library records took place during a pandemic, which meant that the project did not have a chance to be properly appreciated. Now, thanks to the commitment of three enthusiasts: dr Katarzyna Wawrzynkowska, Dominika Skutnik and their colleague Katarzyna Dunajska, the exhibition has gained a grand form, which we can admire in the Main Library of the University of Gdańsk.

Before the official opening of the exhibition, the ceremony's host, the Director of the University of Gdańsk Library, dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG, gave the floor to people who directly and indirectly contributed to its creation. Among them were: Dorota Padzik - head of the Collection Development Department, dr Katarzyna Wawrzynkowska - curator of the exhibition, and Dominika Skutnik - author of the graphic design.

Dorota Padzik, whose career has been associated with cataloguing collections for many years, talked about three aspects of her work: the regulations concerning cataloguing, the changing tools, and above all, the people behind the individual record sheets. ‘I think that it is the people who are the key to this story: those who create these records and those for whom they are created. I think that we are all the protagonists of this story,’ she concluded.

fot. Bartłomiej Jętczak

Photo by Bartłomiej Jętczak

Dominika Skutnik drew attention to the period associated with the modernisation of the library, when the paper catalogue was replaced by a digital one. After the data was entered into the system, the old catalogue records were to be thrown away. The artist saved many of them with the idea of - one day - showing people their beauty, which became the seed of the exhibition concept. ‘The cards kept coming to me from different branches for many years. Finally, Kasia came along,’ joked Dominika Skutnik. Dr Katarzyna Wawrzynkowska, on the other hand, talked about her love of cards, which she has had since childhood. She also mentioned a special moment when she drew one of the saved catalogue sheets from the collection of the University of Gdańsk Library. ‘I drew history,’ she said.

The preparation of the exhibits for the first exhibition (for the 50th anniversary of the University of Gdańsk) was quite an undertaking: it took about a year to go through tens of thousands of cards to find names related to the University of Gdańsk. The current Director of the University of Gdańsk Library, Dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG, also liked the idea. The new version of the exhibition, prepared on the occasion of the university's 55th anniversary, consists of 55 catalogue cards - from handwritten ones, through typewritten ones, to digital catalogue screen views - in original graphic interpretations by Dominika Skutnik. The individual boards have been designed to blend in with the architecture of the Main Library. The entire exhibition is therefore ‘tailor-made’ for the space in which it is presented. ‘I wanted to maintain a balance between the card and the graphics, so that the graphics would not ‘harm’ the card,’ the designer emphasised.

Representatives of the University of Gdańsk Press were also invited to the conversation: dr Joanna Kamień, the director of the press, and Andrzej Taranek, a graphic designer associated with the press for over 30 years. Andrzej Taranek talked about the work of a cover designer, emphasising - like Dorota Padzik before him - the aspect of working with people. ‘I had the chance to meet many wonderful people and I am grateful to the University of Gdańsk for that,’ he said.

In addition, several of the catalogue card heroes appeared at the ceremony: employees and former employees of the University of Gdańsk, and authors of the publications described on the cards. prof. Jan Iluk, prof. Ewa Łojkowska, prof. Robert Alicki, prof. Tadeusz Oracki and prof. Stefan Chwin shared their memories of these (and other) publications - as well as reflecting on the changing reality of university book collections. As a souvenir of the meeting, prof. Arnold Kłonczyński presented them with graphics that were an artistic interpretation of ‘their’ catalogue cards. The graphic created in memory of the late prof. Tadeusz Dmochowski was collected by his son.

The exhibition can be admired in the space of the Gdansk University Library, against the backdrop of the book collection. We cordially invite you to visit it!

Karolina Żuk-Wieczorkiewicz/CPC