Influential women of bygone eras at the next meeting under the project 'Scientific Cafés at the University of Gdansk'

Open meetings in the form of scientific cafés bring the scientific activities of university staff closer to a wider audience. In the next part of the series of meetings, a lecture entitled 'Influential women in past times: warriors, rulers, celebrities' will be presented by prof. dr hab. Beata Możejko from the Historical Faculty of UG.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 18:00, via MS Teams platform. Those who wish to ask a question can do so by Monday, March 15, 2021, at

Abstract: Past eras were dominated by men, but even then there were women of influence, both in times of war and peace. They were often well educated, distinguished by their courage on the battlefield and their knowledge of the sophisticated diplomatic game. They knew how to use the means of social communication of the time, such as public speaking and letters, to achieve their aims. This does not mean, however, that they always used their abilities for good purposes and with good results.

We will look at several heroines, from different eras - from the Middle Ages to the 18th century, and try to reflect on their role in politics, society and culture.

Click here to join the meeting

The Faculty of Chemistry UG and Faculty of Economics UG are the organisers of a series of meetings under the project 'Scientific Cafés at the University of Gdansk'. The project is implemented under the programme Social Responsibility of Science / Excellent Science, module Social Responsibility of Science - Popularisation of Science and Promotion of Sport - funded by the Minister of Education and Science.

More information about the project's events.

Julia Bereszczyńska / Press Office of University of Gdańsk